Saturday 23rd November
At last.
The Hogsmeade weekend trip, and Voldemort's final chance to finish what was started fifteen years ago.
Voldemort and Harry went down for breakfast as usual. They met Hermione, Neville, Luna and Ginny at the Gryffindor table, and after eating they wrapped up warm and stepped into the swirling snow on the path down to Hogsmeade village.
They ducked into the Three Broomsticks to escape the icy winds, sitting down at an empty table at the back.
After they ordered their drinks (Harry got Butterbeers for everyone- Voldemort had no say in it whatsoever), they discussed their plan for the day.
Hermione glanced at Voldemort out of the corner of her eye when the drinks were delivered by the barmaid who, Voldemort noticed, was wearing marvellous turquoise sparkly heeled shoes. He had always admired a woman who put looks before comfort: beauty, he knew, was pain.Hermione sniffed as she wached him look at Madam Rosmerta, but didn't say anything.
The group bar Voldemort decided to go right to the end of the wizard high street to Dervish and Bangs and then work their way back up, passing Zonkos, the Owl Imporium and Honeydukes.
Voldemort shuddered as he forced down a sip of Butterbeer- this was worth than the snake milk!
They set off again- the Dark Lord happy to not have to finish the disgusting drink- turning their collars up against the bitter wind. As they walked down the street they passes Quality Quidditch Supplies, and the Blood Traitor twins Voldemort had never bothered to learn the names of said they would meet them later on, winked at Voldemort, and ducked into the shop.
The others continued on, and now Voldemort was alert, looking for the perfect place to get Potter by himself and deliver the killing blow.
Luna, Neville and Ginny left them at a small bakery for a snack. Harry, Hermione and Voldemort carried on down the street to Dervish and Bangs, chatting happily.
Voldemort's spirits lifted: all he had to do was get rid of the Mudblood! He decided he could not afford to wait a moment longer- he would make up an excuse to get her away right now, before anyone else interrupted, so that he and Potter would be alone.
"Hermione," he said, his brain working frantically. "I--"
"Hey! Guys!"
He was cut short by the pesky Weasley twins. They had returned, unnoticed in the swirling wind which whipped away most noises.
"What's up?" Harry asked them.
"Would you and Hermione come with us for a sec?" One of them said. "It's about-" He leaned in closer to Harry and whispered something that was almost lost in the wind, but did not go amiss by Voldemort's acute hearing: "Ron's birthday present, in Quality Quidditch Supplies."
"Ahhh," Harry grinned, glancing at Voldemort. "I see. Well, I'm sure we can leave Ron here for a moment or two, don't you Hermione? Seeing as what we're doing is so very top secret."
Hermione smiled scrutinisingly at him.
"I'm sure he'll survive for a few minutes," she replied, grinning at Voldemort.
"See you in a few, mate," Harry called back as he, Hermione and the twins turned away.
"What? No!" Voldemort yelled, furious that he had lost his almost perfect chance.
He was about to go after them when something happened which made him stop in his tracks.Ronald Weasley was awake, and fighting to get him out.

FanfictionAs Harry Potter continues his 5th year at Hogwarts, he faces one of his biggest challenges yet; when Voldemort makes a bold move to breech the castle and take Harry down once and for all, the noseless fiend does so in a way most cunning and heart-br...