
545 22 8

Saturday 23rd November

"Get out," Ron panted, clawing at the intruder's subconscious. "Get out of me!"

"Quiet down, Weasley," Voldemort muttered, craning his neck to try to see how far Potter had gone through the swirling snow.

Ron knew he had to stop this- he could not put his best friend in danger, and he could see no way to prevent this without getting Voldemort to leave his body.
He squirmed and kicked as hard as he could, his mind twisting and writhing and managing to jerk one of his arms out. Voldemort yelled in shock, then snarled and tried to shove Ron away, but the young boy was wripping and biting at him with all his might. Voldemort actually cried out as pain shot through his mind- Ron's thoughts were sharp and clear and all he wanted was to get Voldemort out.

Ron forced his long legs to stride away from the direction Harry, Hermione and the twins had gone. Voldemort pulled him back, so that Ron's body contorted and Ron's leg twisted painfully. Ron exclaimed in pain, but Voldemort grinned: he could not feel the physical pain inflicted on Ron's body.

"I've got you now, Weasley," Voldemort laughed cruelly. "I can do anything I want to you and it won't hurt me at all."

"Try me!" Ron roared, furious but terrified.

"Ahh, bravery," Voldemort laughed. "By far the kindest word for stupidity. I have grown tiresome of using your body, Weasley. Maybe I'll leave it here, broken and bloody in the snow, and I will kill Potter without you. It will unfortunately mean I have to reveal myself, something I was hoping to avoid, but no matter... You have vexed me so profoundly that I believe it will be worth it to enjoy your murder. And it will not affect me in the slightest, so I think I will do it while I'm still inside you!"

Ron realised he was right with a jolt of horror, but too late- Voldemort grabbed his left arm with his right and yanked, pulling it out of place and twisting it fully out of its socket.

Ron screamed as Voldemort splintered his arm, but the Dark Lord wasn't finished.

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