Chapter Five: The Sorting Ceremony and Feast

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     (Anella's POV)

     "Sofie, let's go with Remus. Say goodbye to Harry and his friends and come find me," I tell her, then walking off to get in a carriage with Remus. I look back fondly at my daughter. 

     "She really is the best thing that's ever happened to me, Remus. What was going through my mind when I left her with that monster?" He puts his arm around my shoulders. 

      "You didn't know. You couldn't have. Anyways, you two might not be as close as you are now. Everything happens for a reason, remember? I was sent on the train that day so that-" 

     "You would meet the rest of the boys," I continue,

     "And then our fates were sealed, correct." I giggle as my brother tickles me. I put my head on his shoulder, and Sofie gets in the carriage. 

      "Hey, Sof." 

     When we get to the castle, we're greeted by Minerva McGonagall, who is waiting for the first years. 

     "In all my years," She says, encasing me in a tight hug. 

     "It's good to see the both of you." she briefly hugs Remus. 

      Professor McGonagall is one of the only people who was there for Remus and I during Transformations before our friends. She helped me so much during my time at Hogwarts that she's pretty much a second mother to me. 

     "Who is this, Anella?" she asks, kneeling down to Sofie's level. 

     "Minerva, this is my daughter, Sofianna. Sofie, this is Professor McGonagall. She's one of the best friends I've got." She pulls me to the side. 

     "One of Harry's friends, Hermione Granger, is as bright as you and Lily were at her age. She's beginning to use the time turner this year, and I would appreciate it if you'll accompany me to discuss the terms with her." I nod, kneeling down to Sofie.

     "Uncle Remus is going to take you to the Great Hall while I help the Professor with something." she nods, and Remus takes her hand. They head into the castle and I walk with Minerva to meet Harry and Hermione. 

     "What's up, Harry? Hermione?" they smile as we lead them to Minerva's office. 

     "Nothing's changed, Minnie." I walk over to the photograph we gave her when the boys and Lily graduated. I pick it up, and a tear drops onto it. She puts a hand on my shoulder.

     "You still have it," I say as she hugs me. 

     "Of course I do. You six were the pride of Gryffindor," she whispers into my hair. I wipe my tears, remembering that Harry and Hermione are behind me. I hug the frame to my chest and put it back. She opens the drawer of her desk and pulls out a copy of the photograph. Handing it to me, we turn our attention back to the two. 

     "Professor Lupin sent an owl ahead to say that you were taken ill on the train, Potter," I nod. 

     There's a knock on the door and Madam Pomfrey rushes in to care for Harry, but stops dead in her tracks when she sees me. 

     "Am I dreaming?" I shake my head, hugging my dear friend. She turns to Harry, who has become quite red in the face. 

     "I'm fine," he says, "I don't need anything-"

     "Oh, it's you, isn't it?" Poppy asks, examining him closely. "I suppose you've been doing something dangerous again?" 

     "Poppy, there was a dementor on the train." I beat Minerva to it. The three of us share a dark look. She clicks her tongue with disapproval. 

     "Setting dementors around the school," she brushes his hair up, revealing the scar that Voldemort's attempted killing curse gave him. I wander back to the dresser, admiring the picture. A few moments later, Madam Pomfrey and Harry leave the room.

     "Now, Hermione, from what I've heard, you're interested in using the time turner?" I ask her. Minnie nods. 

     "Do you have anything to tell the girl?" I nod, sitting down next to her. 

     "Now, you must understand every word I'm about to tell you. Bad things have happened to wizards who have meddled with time. There are a few things you mustn't do. You, under any circumstances, may not make contact with your past self. I myself used the time turner in my third year. You can't change anything about the timeline, or when you get back, there's no way of knowing what you've done. Do you understand?" she nods. 

     "Alright, let's make our way down to the feast. Granger, you can walk with Potter. I will accompany Annie." We wander through the castle before we reach the Great Hall. I sneak to my seat next to my brother. 

     "On a happier note," Albus announces, "I am pleased to welcome three new teachers to our ranks this year.

     "First, both Professors Remus and Anella Lupin, who have kindly consented to fill the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professors. Anella will be throughout all your classes. She'll be acting as a professor's assistant." He goes on to talk about Hagrid. 

     "Well, I think that's everything of importance. Let the feast begin!"

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