2. Nothing happens by chance

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  (Yo's PV)


I blinked and blinked. I frantically looked around the room and found myself alone in my own bed....again.

It was just another one of my sweet dreams... of P'Pha. Sigh.

I quickly shut my eyes again, as if doing so would take me back to my dream, back into P'Pha's arms and lips.

P'Pha, the one and only boy I dream about. The only boy I fantasize about. The only boy I've ever loved. The same boy who I've never spoken to and haven't seen in over a year.

Ring...vibrate...ring...vibrate... my cell phone continued to ring.

I grabbed my phone.

 "HELLO"  I groaned into my phone as my heart continued to beat fast. 

" 'Morning Yo, what took you so long to answer your phone?"  Ming asked.

"Ming! You have perfect timing, I hate you!" I groaned as I tried to calm my throbbing budge under my blanket. "Um, I was...I was just dreaming of P'Pha again. What do you want?!"

"Oh-ho, having another wet dream, Yo? Did you finally do IT with P'Pha in your dream?" Ming teased.

"Ugh, not exactly..." I sighed.

Ming laughed, "Hey, Yo, dreams sometimes do come true!"

"Do you really believe that, Ming?" I asked with a bit of sweet sarcasm.

"I sure do!" Ming replied enthusiastically.

"Well, I'm glad you believe that, Ming, because in my dream, YOU were chasing P'Kit!" I laughed.

"I WAS WHAAATTT...?!" Ming screamed, almost dropping his phone.

"You remember P'Kit, don't you?" I teased.

I sat up in bed as I thought back of my dream.

"Ming, in my dream, you and I were already university freshmen and I was chosen the Moon of the Faculty of Science and get this, Ming...YOU won the Moon of the University competition!" I eagerly explained.

"P'KIT!? ...P'KIT!? ...ME AND P'KIT?...YO, WHYYY?!" Ming continued to cry out loud.

I laughed and hesitated.

"Well, MingI guess your confidence in winning the moon competition gave you the 'cojones' to chase P'Kit!" I laughed.

"YO, I DIDN'T CATCH HIM, DID I?" Ming asked, afraid of the answer.

"You know, Ming, dreams sometimes do come true!" I teased, throwing it right back at him.

"Yo, please tell me I didn't do IT with P'Kit!" Ming whispered into the phone.

"Sorry, my friend, but the only ones doing IT in my dreams will be me and P'Pha, NOT you!"  I laughed and wanted to gag at the thought of my friend doing such a thing. Gross.

"Thank goodness!" Ming relaxed a bit. "Anything else I need to know about this crazy dream of yours?"

"Well, there is one other little thing..." I bit my lower lip.

"Oh no, let me sit down first....okay, what is it?" Ming braced himself.

I hesitated.

"In my dream, P'Pha asked me if he can take care of me as his boyfriend." I said quietly as I remembered the love I felt from P'Pha when he said those beautiful words to me.

.... Silence .....

"...AND THEN YOU TWO DID IT ON HIS BED!?!?" Ming asked into the phone.

"No, you idiot! Your stupid phone call woke me up from my dream! I could kill you! Grrrrr!" I yelled at him.

"Soooo, I really won the Moon of the University competition, huh?" Ming proudly asked, changing the subject.

Ugh! I closed my eyes and threw myself back on my bed. I give up. I knew I should've kept that part of my dream to myself! I'll never hear the end of it now.

"Okay, okay. Now get your horny little ass out of bed!" Ming ordered. "Today's the freshman orientation at the university. Lets have breakfast before we go. I want to hear more details about this dream of yours. I'll pick you up in an hour."

*Cojones: balls, guts, courage.


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