3. What is for you, will not pass you

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  (Yo's PV)

My first day as a university freshmen was finally here. It was an exciting day for me.

Walking up the stairs at the university's entrance, I couldn't help but think of P'Pha. I smiled remembering that he is here at the same university and I now have the freedom here to go explore all the different faculties, especially P'Pha's. Maybe I will accidentally bump into him somewhere, somehow. I smiled at the thought.

The university commons area was crowded with all the new freshmen coming and going. I couldn't help but notice all the pretty freshmen girls here today and that's when reality began to set in.

I know I don't stand a chance with P'Pha. I am way beneath his league here and besides, I heard that he likes girls. Sigh. But I still hold him so deep in my heart that no one can take his place. I see no one but him. Maybe some day he will want me to want him. Sigh.

As Ming and I were walking under the school breezeway on our way to the orientation in the auditorium, I felt someone grab my wrist from behind. The strong, yet gentle hold stopped me from taking another step forward. I turned around quickly and looked down at the hand that was holding onto my wrist. I looked up to see a tall, handsome boy with a slight smile on his face and our eyes locked.

He was my one and only P'Pha, standing there handsome as ever in his school uniform. He was the same boy I fell in love with many, many moons ago.

All the freshmen passing by disappeared as we stood there locking eyes. I couldn't take my eyes away from him. I wanted to touch him to make sure he was real and not a dream. My heart stopped and my mouth dropped open. I just stood there frozen.

"Hello Wayo. Um, do you remember me?" P'Pha asked nervously as he continued to lock eyes with me.

"Err, how could I forget you! You were in my dream... err, I mean, yes, you're P'Pha from high school." I replied nervously.

"What?" P'Pha looked confused.

"Nothing, nothing. P', please call me Yo." I blushed.

"Yo... Nong Yo." P'Pha said softly.

P'Pha was still holding onto my wrist. I continued to blush as I remembered his same strong, determined hand in my dream the night before.

"Um, P'Pha, what are you doing here at our orientation?" I asked shyly.

"Err...I volunteered to help with the freshman orientation this year. Beam and Kit are also here." He pointed to where Beam and Kit were helping with distributing flyers to the freshmen.

P'Pha had such good friends in both Kit and Beam. They were still inseparable, even here at university.

"N'Yo, I was very happy to hear that you were accepted to this university. I waited a long time for this day to come." P'Pha said softly with a nervous smile. "You're the reason I volunteered today. I was hoping to see you here." He added.

I took a quick glance at my watch to note the exact time my heart decided to melt instead of beat.

"N'Yo, may I walk with you to the orientation?" Pha asked.

"Um, yes, I would like that, P'Pha. I would like that very much." I smiled shyly.

P'Pha gently let go of my wrist and carefully took my school bag from me.

I tore my eyes away from P'Pha for a second and looked around for Ming and motioned to him to P'Kit's direction.

Ming turned to look at P'Kit and looked him up and down. He stood there with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Ming looked back at me and gave me a knowing nod and smile.

"Hey, Yo!" Ming yelled excitedly to me."You know me, l'll try anything once!" Ming winked and off he went, jogging his way towards P'Kit.

"Hey P'Kit! Remember me?!" Ming yelled out loud.

'Run, P'Kit, run!' I laughed and smiled to myself as I remembered those two in my dream.

"Care to share what is making you smile so much?" P'Pha asked suddenly.

"Um... maybe one day I will tell you all about it, P'Pha." I smiled, blushing a little.

Walking proudly along side P'Pha, I looked up at him and thought, 'I used to wish upon stars and rainbows, but today ... I'm wishing on a dream to come true !"         


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