A Fine Gloomy Day

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Living my day as it is,
With and without you.
Trying to hide how I miss,
The way you do what you do.

Hallways empty of your smile,
And days unfilled with your laugh,
For you're away a hundred miles,
And all I have left is a photograph.

Each of them having a story to tell,
Singing its very own special tune.
Remembering the day I first fell,
For you in that cherished afternoon.

Everything changed by then,
You became my whole universe.
I couldn't even recall why and when,
All of this turned into a disrupting curse.

I write now because you are away,
We were everything and we were not.
And as much as I want to stay,
It's nearly impossible to untie this knot.

But, I'll see you again. Maybe in a long lost afternoon, catching each other's eye. Maybe we'll give it another shot. Maybe we'll become the universe again, no one knows.

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