chapter seven

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ayla's pov |

"Ayla. Ayla, wake up," Daniel shook me softly as i slowly opened my eyes. "Huh?" I rubbed my eyes as I sat up and stretched my upper body. Daniel came back and sat next to me, pulling me in for a soft kiss on my cheek. "We're leaving in about 10 minutes, our flight leaves at 7:45, so do what you gotta do real quick, I'll be in the kitchen telling my family goodbye." He squeezed my shoulders and walked out.

I rolled over onto my back, feeling a sharp pain that caused me to whimper. I walked over to the bathroom and lifted my shirt, only to see another bruise on my back that went from my torso to my hip. The color was purple and green. I went to poke at the bruise, which caused me to flinch. I sighed, turned on the sink and began washing my face, looking up at my perfectly clear, tan, skin that had also been marked with a black and blue bruise the size of a golf ball. I slowly touched it and remembered my wrist. Whose mark was slowly healing.

Who would've known my own mother could do this.

I grabbed a plain gray t-shirt and slipped it on over my thin black yoga pants. Followed with my black Nike slides, which showed my perfectly painted, light pink toe nails. I quickly started packing my things, grabbed my bag, and headed down stairs. As I walk in Daniel is about to come to get me. Leading to him running straight into me. He struck me hard and almost made me fall back but he caught me just as I was hitting the floor. "Woah, Ayla! I'm so sorry. Are you okay," he said giggling, causing me to laugh. He picked me up and led me to his kitchen, where I said goodbye.

"Thanks so much for letting me crash here last night," I gave Keri a hug first, then Jeff. "I'll keep in touch with you, Anna," I gave her a hug as well, "While you're there, promise me you won't let Daniel do anything stupid," She joked, causing me to laugh. Tyler and Christian were not in the state. Then we heard Jonah honk from outside.

"That's our cue," Daniel spoke. We said our final goodbyes, leaving the house.

As I entered the vehicle, I thought about how much everything would change. But maybe this was for the better. I looked out the window on the way to the airport. I was silent and calm the whole 20 minute drive. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Daniel, embracing me in a hug. I guess he could tell how hurt I was about this whole thing. He only reminded me, "This is for the best, we have to keep him safe," as I nodded my head.

When we finally arrived at the airport, it was already 7:35 so we rushed over to our flight. Making it just in time.

We threw our luggage and walked into the plane. I sat next to Daniel and Corbyn.

I slowly leaned on Daniel's shoulder, feeling his cold, silky shirt and placing my head on it. He started setting his head on mine and we intertwined our fingers. I easily fell asleep, wondering if i'd regret this later.

daniel's pov |

I was starting to open my tired eyes, when I noticed that Ayla was still asleep. She looked like an actual angel sitting there. Peacefully sleeping. I gently placed a small kiss on the top of her head, feeling her soft hair on my lips. Startled, she snuggled closer to me, feeling her warm breath on my chest as she continued to sleep.

"Psst, Corbyn," I glanced over to a nerdy Corbyn who was checking his game, League of Legends. His eyes shot up, "What."

"What do you do when Christina does something you think is cute," I asked him. He started laughing at me,"Well I'd tell her she did something cute, Dani," he said throwing his hands up. "Well I'm new to this, I haven't dated this one in like 2 years," I told him. He rolled his eyes smiling, "Please, as if that would make a difference." Then Jack butted in, "For real. Like. Come on, you guys click together. You're like-"

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