Chapter 1: Music & Green Eyes

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I groan as I hear the familiar screeching beeps, rolling over in bed and unlocking my phone, turning off my alarm. I stand up and shuffle over to my bathroom, blinking at my reflection. My hair looks like a bird's nest.

I huff and pull it up into a messy bun before brushing my teeth. Reaching under the sink, I grab my makeup bag and draw a thin lair of eyeliner on my bottom lid, then take out my mascara and lather it onto my top lashes.

Putting the bag back under the sink, I turn around and head out and to my closet. I grab a pair of black skinny jeans along with a black jumper and a leopard print scarf. Changing quickly, I take my phone off the charger and grab my headphones, going downstairs.

Seeing that my dad had already left for work, I grab an apple from the kitchen and exit the house. I start to walk in the direction of the school and put on my headphones, blasting music in my ears while taking a bite from my apple.

I watch all of the other teenagers leave their houses, getting into their own cars or their parent's. That's the problem with me, my dad takes our only car to work every morning, leaving me to a 20 minute walk to school.

I continue to eat my apple as I walk down the sidewalk towards the direction of the school. As usual, I get bored so I decide to only put one foot in each cement square, ending up more hopping than walking my way to school.

Glancing up, I see that I'm finally across the street from the school. Taking one last bite from my apple, I cross the street and toss it into a trash bin, going into the school.

I leave my headphones in and watch as everyone else has their own conversations while I stay in my own world where only I could hear what is going on. At the moment Christina Perri is feeling sad, though she's only been singing about it for 5 verses so I wouldn't know why.

I open my locker as I reach it, taking out my usual items I need for my first 3 classes and close it, turning to walk to my first class. As I do, my eyes lock with a boys' green ones from across the hall. I start to feel a bit awkward as we continue to stare at one another, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

I find a small blush creep onto my cheeks as I look away and dart into my first class, taking my usual seat in the back. I smile to myself as Ed Sheeran sings softly in my ear.

'I'm falling for your eyes,
but they don't know me yet.
And with a feeling I'll forget,
I'm in love now.'


I know this chapter is pretty short and boring but it was kind've an intro on how Darcie thinks and acts around others, but I promise it'll get more interesting later into the book. Could any of you guess who she made eye contact with? Pretty obvious I'm sure, but you could still comment if you like!

Don't forget to vote c;

- veronica xx

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