8 ; "i'm letting you go."

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"I, Park Jimin, take you, Park Chaeyoung, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

I inhaled sharply staring into his dark gorgeous eyes as he held my hands tightly in his.


I chuckled lightly along with attendants when Seokjin commented my name when I didn't reply.

"Sorry." I didn't move my eyes from his as he smiled at me, lovingly and perfectly. "Caught in the moment."

"Go on, baby doll." He urged full of affection and I swear my heart did somersaults.

"I, Park Chaeyoung." I paused and took a breath, blinking at my future husband with love and tenderness as he just smiled at me. "Take you, Park Jimin, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

We stared at each other for a couple more seconds before I felt my heart sink in my chest. My eyes widened and I choked my breath as I felt a cold metal blade sink into my back. Jimin's smile had turned into a terrifyingly devious smirk, his eyes darkening in color. I hiccuped as I felt blood rise to my throat and a surging pain fill my body. I stared at him in bewilderment and shock as the same blond woman who haunted me appeared at his side, my blood in her hands.

"J-Jimin?" I fell to my knees feeling my head lighten and my eyes droop.

His low chuckle, no longer alluring and attractive, but devilish and merciless. He stared down at me as the woman raised her bloody hand to his lips. He lapped at my blood hungrily and sent me a ruthless glare.

"Till death do us part."

A scream tore through me like a sharp blade of glass when the two pounced towards me with hunger and thirst. I felt their sharpened teeth deepen into my skin, other beings as them attacking me just as ruthless.

"Till death do us—"


My hair stuck to my sweaty forehead and I ran my hands furiously over my body to check if I was bleeding anywhere. My heart was racing and I felt that my head was throbbing. I felt dizzy and my surrounding were blurry as I tried to look around. And it being pitch black wasn't exactly helping. I let out a shaky breath before bursting out into tears. I buried my crying face in my hands as I let the relief of crying take its place.

I don't know why I was crying so hard. Either because I was afraid or because I was glad it wasn't real.

It took a while but I slowly realized that I was in Jimin's bachelor designed bedroom by myself in the middle of his bed. I sniffled and suddenly felt empty. His natural aroma filled my senses and I just felt the need to have him with me right now. I felt like I yearned his soothing touch. The way his arms would securely wrap around me, the way his cold yet gentle fingers would play at the surface of my skin— I just wanted him right now.

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