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The next morning- Josh's POV

I wake up with the presence of Simons arms securely wrapped around me, I kiss his locked hands and he stirs. I stroke his arms as h begins to wake up "Morning kitten." He says as I smile,
"Morning Si." I reply as I roll out of his grip and sit on the bed before wincing,
"Your arse hurting." Simon giggles behind me,
"Yes. Fuck you Minter." I say sternly,
"Nah I do that." He chuckles as I ignore him,
"Sorry baby boy." He says as he sits next to me and opens his arms,
"Can you at least put boxers in so I don't have to sit in your dick." I state as he laughs, grabbing a fresh pair of boxers for us both. I then crawl into his lap as he rocks us gently "I didn't hurt you too bad did I?" Simons says concerned,
"I don't think so." I giggle as he just looks at me,
"Stand up and let's see."
"Oh okay." I do as he says and a pain shoots up my back but dies down after a few seconds, I then take a couple steps as the pain comes back and I stop before going again "Don't hurt yourself anymore than you already are." Simon says as he walks over to me wrapping his arms round me, I fall into his embrace while he rubs my bum cheeks. I laugh "I'm fine Si."
"You're not." He states as he picks me up bridal style and puts me on the bed, I watch as he quickly gets dressed before grabbing some clothes for me. He chucks me a hoodie and I put it on while he puts my joggers on as well as my socks "This is my apology."
I laugh again before grabbing his hand "Simon I love you but please I am okay I promise you."
He looks deep into my eyes as he nods and pecks my lips, "Love you too."
He then picks me up again but I wrap my legs around him while he takes me downstairs.

Once we're in the kitchen he puts me down as I notice Vik grinning at us "You pair are adorable."
"I'm giving him special treatment today as I hurt him last night." Simon says,
I playfully roll my eyes "I told him I'm fine but he won't take it."
"What'd you do?" Vik asks as I blush and look down as Simon taps my bum "Oh okay." He says as his eyes widen.
"Yeah." I say rubbing my neck,
"I thought so due to the hickeys." Vik chuckles as he points to my neck and I blush again  "Gotta mark what's mine." Simon says pulling me close to him,
"Aww Cute! Well I'm gonna go record." Vik smiles before walking out.

I hold onto him as he runs his fingers through my hair "I'm ahead on videos so I'm not doing anything today."
"Same well I'm only ahead in today." I say
"Cuddles?" He asks as I nod smiling "Let me grab some snacks and drinks, will you be able to get up the stairs?"
"I should be." I say as I walk out the kitchen, I slowly take my time up.
Once we're both back in Simons room we put on Netflix and snuggle up, Simon holds me tight while I steal kisses from him "You alright kitten?"
"I'm great." I grin and kiss him, "You're so perfect."
"I'm not but you are." He replies
"I'm not."
"You are."
"Why don't we both accept we're perfect in each other's eyes." I giggle
"Okay I like that idea." He laughs as he puts on a Christmas film. I wiggle up closer to him and he strokes my beard then my hair "I'm not letting you out of my arms today."
"I don't have a problem with that." I smile. He makes me so happy I've never loved anyone as much as him and I won't ever let him go.

A/N- I love writing this book so much! I'm glad you all seem to be enjoying it 💜

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