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Josh's POV

I wake up in Simons grip while he's sat on his phone "Morning." I say my voice rough,
"Morning." He smiles,
"You're not I'll?" I ask,
"Nope I feel fine." He replies,
"Thank god, I would have been sad if you were ill." I say ,
"Aww I'm fine. Just you I've got to worry about." He says ruffling my hair as I giggle,
"How'd you feel anyway?"
"Still the same sadly, I'm not as sniffly just my throat and chest hurts."
"Well I promised I would get you a teddy and I'll get you some more medicine for you throat."
"Thank you Si." I say hugging him,
"No worries. I won't go yet I'll go in a little while you'll probably fall asleep anyway." He laughs,
"Most likely." I laugh, he sits up putting me in his lap as I lay on him while he puts the tv on and strokes my back.

As we're watching tv I start cough a lot and struggling to breath, Simon hits my back "Josh it's okay don't panic." He says quickly,
I nod frantically as he continues hitting my back and I soon catch my breath before I pass out. "God that was scary." I say as I shake slightly,
"You can say that again." Simon says holding me tight  "I don't want to leave you and that happens again."
"I'll be fine, JJ and Vik are here." I say reassuring him,
"But Vik's asleep and JJ might not here you." He says concerned,
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"No you're too sick!" He says,
"Well what are we gonna for then." I chuckle,
"I don't know, do you think you're fit enough to come with me?"
"Yeah I'll just wrap it I'll be good."
"Well I kinda didn't want to go on my own." Simon admits quietly,
"Aww Si." I say stroking his cheek,
"We'll try not to be long, it's too cold."
"Okay." I smile.

An hour later

Me and Josh were in Boots looking for a teddy and something to help his throat. I keep him close to me holding his hand tight and occasionally wrapping my arm round him. As I looking through the shelves and old woman walks past and 'awes' at us, I look up and smile at her so does Josh "You boys are sweet." She says,
"Thank you." We both say,
"When I was young this would never be aloud, it just shows how much the world has changed and for the better." She smiles,
"Very true." I say,
"I'll leave you both to carry on." She says walking off,
"Bye." I say as Josh waves,
"She was adorable." I say,
"She was we need more people like her in the world." Josh says as I nod and carry on with what I was doing.

Soon enough I've found some cough medicine and tablets, I had also managed to grab an elephant for teddy for Josh who was happy with it. Once we'd pay for it Josh clung to the teddy as we drove home "You like that." I ask with a smile,
"Yep." He smiles,
"What's won't you and fluffy things first it was the hoodie and now the teddy."
"I'm like a big kid Si leave me alone." He laughs,
"I can agree that you're a big kid."
"Oh my god! I can wear my hoodie, cuddle with my teddy and cuddle with you!" He exclaims,
"You're the cutest baby boy." I smile as he blushes,
"Thank you." He says genuinely,
"When we get home we'll cuddle, you deserve it."
"Yay!"He cheers as I laugh.

Once we get home I go upstairs and Josh heats up his teddy, I grab his hoodie placing it on the bed and grabbing some blankets as well to keep him warm. Josh joins me and throws on his hoodie jumping in the bed as I wrap him up in blankets. He giggles and I hold him tight in my arms kissing his head, I give him a quick kiss on the lips. Again I instantly want to kiss him so much but I contain myself, and kiss his neck instead as he just rests his head on my shoulder. I kiss on his neck harder before nibbling and sucking on it, he lets out a small moan as I create the hickey. "I can do that without kissing your lips." I smile,
"True, but I want a kiss." He mumbles,
"You can kiss anywhere but my lips Joshy." I say as he leans forward kissing my nose and cheek. I lightly laugh "Cutie." I whisper as he blushes again,
"Love you Si."
"Love you too Kitten." I reply as he rests on me, I pull the blankets off him and pull the duvet over us before I put my hands up his hoodie and trace patterns on his upper body as he sighs in delight "Sleep baby boy." I say,
"Don't stop your hands." He says,
"I won't Bub, I know how much you like it."
"Thank you Si." He says kissing my cheek and letting his eyes close as I listen to his breath and soon enough he's asleep. I stay awake as I'm not tired and continue tracing patterns on Josh, I admire him for a while before I say "Perfect, you're so perfect Josh." And I'm pretty sure he smiled.

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