Death By The Moonlight Chapter 4

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i couldnt think of what to put nex but i have an idea now!!

ITS IN MARXS' P.O.V.!!!! wooop wooop :')

enjoy peoplees.

Death By The Moonlight.

Chapter 4

Marx p.o.v.

I opened my eyes from a sleepless night, and looked down to the soundless body laying next to me. It was a hot blonde who i picked up at the club lastnight. She was a pretty girl; long blonde hair, blue eyes, fake breasts and a ridiculously skinny body. My kind of girl.

She turned over and streched; maybe she isn't as pretty as i first thought..

She looked up at me and smiled, i gave her a bored look.

"Ohh babe, whats the matter? Tired out?" she said with a wink. I just looked at her with disgust, climbed out of bed and almost ran to my bathroom. I locked the door and sighed into my hands. I smelt really bad and needed a shower; as quick as i could, i jumped in the shower and turned on the cold tap full blast. It immediately cooled down my over heated skin and i exhaled in content.

"Marx, babe. Come back to bed." i heard her yell from the bedroom, her annoying voice ringing in my ears. I heard some rustling and then some footsteps coming towards the bathroom. The door swung open and there she stood, wearing nothing but my football shirt. She smirked as she looked at my body, then while walking closer to me, she went to take the shirt off.

"What are you doing?" i asked her in a bored tone.

"I'm joining you." she relplied with the smirk getting bigger on her ugly face.

"I don't think so. You can leave my house now." I said to her, with venom in every word. Her face dropped and she looked shocked; she just stood there staring at me as i went back to showering. Then i could sence her slowly coming closer to me.

"Babe, I know you don't mean-" I quickly turned around to face her.

"I meant every word! Now get the hell out of my house you slut!" i roared at her, pointing towards the door. With that she burst out crying and ran froom the room. Finally, shes gone.

After ten more minutes of showering. I turned of the freezing water, grabbed a towl and wrapped it around my waist. As i walked back to my bedroom, i spotted my football shirt on the floor; i grabbed it with the end of my fingers and quickly threw it into the washing basket. It could of been contaminated from that whore. I chuckled to myself at the thought.

When i got back to my room, i went straight over to my huge wardrobe to pick out an outfit. I picked out a plain black shirt that showed off my six pack and some grey jeans. I ran over to my mirror and checked my image; I ran my fingers through my thick, black hair and after that i looked perfect. Pkay, i can be a bit vain but thats just me.

I'm starting a new school tomorrow; Woodhill high school and im feeling confidant. Every school i go to, i get loved my by the girls and admired by the guys. It's the perfect life for me. I admit it, im a player but i can't get in a relationship; i'm not like other humans..

When i was happy with my appearance, I grabbed my phone and left the house. My parents are never home; always away on business trips. Well, they are not my real parents, they just found me one day when i was 4; 13 years ago and have been there for me since. They are good parents but they don't really care that much about me. They don't have children of their own so its always just me at home, by myself.

I was now walking down the quiet street when i saw the cafe that i always go to. I smiled as i walked to wards it; i'm not that hungry but i have nothing else to do.

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