Death By The Moonlight Chapter 2

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I thought i would upload this while it is still in my head :L

please tell me if you think i should continue.

Death By The Moonlight


I had never been happier. But that all ended last year. We were on a family outing, when suddenly, there was a jolt and the car went skidding off the road and into a nearby tree. My parents were killed instantly but me and Brooke survived. I had saved her. That's the day i found out what i am.

A vampire.

Chapter 2

I know what you're thinking. 'I killed my sister'. Well i would never do that! I love her to much. She meant the world to me and i will never forgive the thing that killed her.

And i bet you're wondering why i didn't drink her blood, well its because im not a proper vampire, not yet. On my 18th birthday i will be a full vampire. I will crave blood. But right now, i am safe. Another thing is that my eyes change colour with my mood. Right now they are grey; thats sadness. Black; anger. Blue; relaxed state and green for jealousy. There are many more but right now they are grey. Grey with a speck of black.

As i continued to move slowly down the quiet street, i noticed the sun coming up over the horizon. It reminded me of Brooke. everywhere i looked, i saw things that made my mind wander back to her. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes again and my legs started to shake. Suddnely i couldn't walk anymore. I dropped to my knees and cried. I cried for Brooke. Her life, gone. I cried for my adopted parents. I cried because my real family abandoned me, when i was vulnerable, weak and alone.

I sat there, in the middle of the street with my legs tucked up to my chest, slowly going into a restless sleep ... then i sensed someones presence. Vampire sences can come in handy sometimes. My head shot up and i peered around the mistly road. The sun had disappeared behind the clouds that hung low in the sky. It was dark again.

I carefully got up and sniffed the air. There was a strange sent that i did not recognise. Then i heared the noise of footsteps. My head shot round to where the sound was coming form and there, standing in the shaddows was a creature, one that looked almost human...

I was in shock. No one was there when i last looked so how were they here now? I gently turned my body to face them as my legs had gone numb from sitting in a crumpled position for so long. The stranger took a steady step towards me and i continued to stare. All i could see where the eyes. They were red. For some reason they amazed me, not knowing what i was doing, i took a step forward. As i got closer i could see it was a male, His hair was coal black and his skin was pale like mine, my mind goes blank and i can feel unknown words roll off my tongue. "You're beautiful.." What. Did i just say that? The stranger smirked and i could feel my heart beat speed up. As if he heard, he laughed. Did he just laughed at me!? I put on an angry face and wiped the tear stains from under my eyes and down my cheeks. He took another step forward, into the early morning light and thats when i saw him properly. He chuckled again. 'What is it with him and laughing at me?' i thought to myself. Then he spoke. "Are you done staring?" His voice was so angelic. I could of fainted on the spot if i hadn't of noticed that his eyes had changed colour. They were now a dark Pink.

Then it hit me. I gasped in shock. Was he a vampire? I had never met another vampire before. I suddenly started shaking.

"Hey, are you okay?" His wonderful voice drifted over to my ears, i could sence concern and i didn't know what what to say.

"I-I-Im fine, i t-think." i stuttered. I needed to ask him, to find out if he was one of my kind, to have someone to speak to rather than being all alone in this world.

"Are you sure? You don't look fine."

Every passing second he took a step closer until i could feel his warm breath on my nose. I just looked up at him, still overwhelmed by his perfect face. He smiled and i couldn't help but smile back. It was a perfect moment until i remembered my little sister laying dead in my house. My expression changed and i could feel the tears streaming down my cheek again.

"Im sorry. Please don't cry. I can leave if you want." came his caring voice. I didn't want him to leave. He understood me, my pain, what my life is about.

"N-no. please d-d-don't leave m-me." i replied.

"Well whats wrong? Why do you keep crying?"

I had to tell him. Even if he was a complete stranger.

"My sister, s-shes..dead!" I cried even harder now and he pulled me into a comforting hug. He seemed to be in thought. Just as he was about to speak i cut him off.

"Don't say anything. It w-wont bring her b-back!" I sobbed into his cool chest. Then i remembered;

"I n-need to ask y-you something."

He stopped to think for a minute. To me the silence seemed to last forever.

"Calm down first, your sister won't want you to be like this."

He waited for my tears to turn into soft hiccups.

"Now, It depends what you want to know. Youv'e only just met me." His voice came out soft yet serious.

I managed to stop the hiccups and started to take deep breaths. This is crazy. I've only just met this man and yet i was going to ask him something this personal! If he's a normal human being, he might get scared. Many humans have never known of vampires existing and if they had, they will do anything in their power to hunt them all to extinction. I shuddered at the thought. He seemed to notice this.

He reached out his hand and placed it underneath my chin; this sent sparks of electricity shooting through out my body. He gently lifted my face up to look at him. His eyes held many emotions which i did not recognise, one was worry.

'Quick, say something!' i thought to myself. 'I know! Name. Ask him his name!'

"Err.. whats your name?" I asked him slowly.

"If i say, will you tell me yours?" He said to me with amusement showing on his pale face.

All i could do was nod in response.

"Okay, well my name is Marx."

The sound of his name made my heart skip a beat.

"Marx? That name suits you." I said shyly. He raised an eyebrow at my reaction.

"Ohh, my name's Morgan." I expected him to laugh.

I looked up at him again.

"Thats beautiful." He breathed. I giggled because it reminded me of what i had first said to him.

He looked down at me and smiled.

"So is your smile. You should do it more often." He winked. I blushed bright red.

He smiled again; I could never get bored of that.

"Is that all you wanted to ask me?"

I gulped. Should i ask him? My mind spoke for me.

"Are you a vampire?"

i tried to make it longer this time. is it any better? please VOTE AND COMMENT :L

georgia xx

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