Death By The Moonlight Chapter 3

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this might not be very long because i havent got enough time on the computer.

hope you like :D

Death By The Moonlight

Chapter 3

His head shot down to me and he gave me a frightning look. I was scared. I didn't know what to do.

"What?!" his voice sounded so bitter as his eyes flashed from pink to black.

"Are y-you a v-vampire? I need t-to know." i replied, my face full of shock and hurt. How can he go from being all nice and caring to this? It wasn't natural. It wasn't...human. The more i thought about Marx being a vampire, the more i was sure. He had to be.

"Why? Its not as if you care!" he yelled at me.

"Well I...I need to-"

"I thought so." And with that he stormed off into the shaddows; never looking back. I needed to tell him, I was going to tell him but he cut me off. I felt pain inside of me, my chest hurt and i could feel a single tear running down my cheek. Why am i crying? I barely know him. Its not as if he just broke my heart or something; but why does it feel that way? Its ridiculous, me loving him.

Then i remembered Brooke. I looked down at my watch and gasped. It was 5:15 in the morning; i had been away from my sister for 4 hours!

I turned and ran. I had to get back to her, now! I was on the other side of town so it would take me a while to get back home.

I could feel my hair whipping at my cold face as the world wizzed by in a blur of dull colours. Being a vampire, i can run pretty fast but i was in a going quite slow because, although it was a Sunday morning, i couldn't risk andone seeing me.

When i turned onto my street, i sprinted as fast as i could to the front door of my old, dirt coloured house. It only took me a few seconds. As soon as i got there i charged through the doorway and headed strait for the kitchen. I got there and gasped; my mouth was hanging wide open as i stared at the dark, empty room infront of me.

Where was she? Where is Brooke? All that was left was blood, a huge pool of her blood spread over the glossy floor tiles.

My breathing became sharp and i could feel my head spinning. I didn't know what to do.

"B-Brooke?" i stuttered, it took so much strength just to form my words properly.

"Brooke, where are you? Your'e scaring me." I don't know why i said that, its as if i were expecting her to jump out from somewhere, as beautiful as always. But i know that was crazy, she was dead. I watched her die in my arms; i will never forget that, no matter how hard i try.

I tore my eyes away from the scene infront of me; i didn't know what to do. I don't have anyone to turn to, i have no shoulder to cry on, i have nothing.

I pulled a stool away from the kitchen table and slumped down; staring straight ahead of me at the black work surface. I could see my reflection (I know some people think that we vampires can't see our reflection, well its not true.) My eyes were a dusty shade of blue, at least i had calmed down a bit. I sat there racking my brain for a solution to Brookes sudden disappearance. I felt like crying but i couldn't do it anymore, i had no more tears left to shed.

I sat there for a few more minutes, or hours, i don't really know. All i could think about were her baby blue eyes.

Then he came into my mind; Marx. Just thinking of him made my heart speed up. I looked at my reflection again in the work surface. My eyes were pink, the same colour as Marx's. Then it hit me. Pink means admiration. Love.

They suddenly turned a lighter shade of pink, almost white. I was blushing. I can't love him, can i? I shouldn't be thinking about Marx at a time like this. My sister is missing!

I sigh and go to stand up when i hear a noise; soft foot steps coming from the family room. I freeze. There's someone in my house!

My heart started pounding in my chest and i froze in my seat, to scared to move. The soft padding of feet was slowly getting louder, i whipped my head around and waited for the intruder to show themselves.

Then i saw her. Brooke. She was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, the sunlight making her pale skin shine. Wait, why is her skin pale? I got up; my legs shaking as i walked towards her tiny frame. Her golden hair was covering her face, making it impossible for me to read her expression.

When i got to her, i reached out my white hand to move her hair out of her blank face. Just as i was about to touch her cheek, a small hand shot up and locked their fingers around my wrist. I looked down at the hand; it was Brooke!

My face was in shock. Mainly because her grip was getting tighter, causing my hand to go even whiter. I tried to pull my hand away but instead she twisted it awkwardly. This caused a small tear to escape my eye.

"B-Brooke! What are y-you doing?" i cried, trying to look into her eyes. Her head slowly raised up and thats when i saw. Her eyes; they were blank, empty. All i could see where the whites of her eyes. It scared me. This creature in front of me, was not my sister.

"....Your'e not my Brooke. W-who are you? What are you?"

oooh ;) please tell me what you think!:D also, if you have any ideas of what you want to happen, please let me know.

georgia xx

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