Chapter 2

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A/n: ok this chapter I got to give a shoutout to 22devingarfield he let me use some of his ideas from his star vs the forces of evil story I recommend it go check it out and hope you enjoy the story also 22devingarfield thank you so much you're awesome!!!!

That night

You couldn't sleep you tried and tried but couldn't sleep so you got out of bed and you grabbed you're butterfly knife you start to flip it and do tricks to see if you can sleep but you gave up the you had a idea you walked down stairs you go to the living room and turned on the tv and then you turned on you're game system to see if video games tired you out you played for a moment but you hear strange noises coming from you're room you got scared so you flipped opened you're balisong (butterfly knife) and slowly walked up stairs you made it to you're room you're blade in you're hand and you slowly opened the door you saw someone standing in the middle of you're room you busted opened and pointed the knife at them

Y/n: "who are you and what do you want?!"

They didn't move you started to see someone they were wearing a dress a purple dress with what seems like rainbow pattern on the chest you instantly know who that was

Y/n: "star?!"

You closed the knife and put it in you're pocket you turned on the lights and saw star but there was something wrong her hair was covering her face and her dress was kinda torn her boots were all muddy there were twigs and leafs on her hair you walked up to her and moved her hair to see a scared and traumatized face

Y/n: "star star! STAR!!!"

Star finally moved she moved her hand

Y/n: "star what's wrong?!"

Star hugged you she held you for dear life when you hugged back you can hear crying you sat star down

Y/n: "wait right here"

Star stayed quiet

You walked down stairs and went to you're kitchen you grabbed some milk and and the coco powder you mix it together and warmed it up and went up stairs to you're room star was still sitting there but you noticed she was moving and she stopped crying

Y/n: "here"

Star took the cup then you wrapped a blanket over her so she can feel more comfortable

Y/n: "star what happened?"

Star: "I-I had a nightmare"

Stars dream

Star was in mewni castle everyone was there Marco Kelly pony head Jana starfan 13 Tom Jackie and you it was a party everyone was having fun you ran up to her

Y/n: "star come on let's dance"

Star: "OK!"

You and star were dancing having fun but then star heard a explosion everyone turned to see the butterflies worst enemy toffee with a little monster army

Star: "TOFFEE?!"

Toffee: "hello princess missed me?"

Star: "we killed you you're dead!!!"

Toffee: "seems like not even death can hold me monsters kill them all"

All the monsters attacked everyone started to fight you and Marco teamed up one big monster came to you

Y/n: "Marco let's do the hop kick"

Marco smiled and nodded you ran to the other side of the monster so did Marco you crouched down and locked you're hands Marco ran to you he got on you're hands and you boost him up Marco jumped and he kicked the monster in the eye Marco did the same thing and he gave you a boost and you kicked the monster on the other eye the monster fell down you looked to the side to see star fighting a monster but she was over powered you ran to star and kicked the monster off from her you and star teamed up now

Star: "rainbow fist punch!"

You got on the rainbow fist and punched the monsters

Star: "Narwhal blast!"

You punched the monster next to you star and you looked at each other for a moment but then star saw something horrible she saw something going through your chest a sword and behind you toffee

Star: "NO!!!!"

You fell on the ground toffee standing over you star ran to you she made it and she got on her knees and lifted you're head up

Y/n: "st-star"

You said with you're dying breath

Toffee: "pity he was a great fighter I'll give him that but he will die and there is nothing you can do about it princess"

Toffee laughed evilly

Star: "this can't be happening this can't be happening!!!"

Toffee: "I'm sorry princess but it happening monster let's go!"

Toffee and the monster left everyone else were a bit wounded but ok they saw you bleeding out they got in a circle Marco crying pony head trying not to but failed Tom bowed his head Kelly crying star fan 13 passed out Jackie comforting Marco

Y/n: "star I'm sorry I'm sorry everyone"


Y/n: "star it's too late I'm sorry"

You stopped breathing everyone bowed there head Star was crying her eyes out


She shook with a bit and realized that you were gone

Star rested her forehead on you're forehead

Star: "I never told you that I love you"

Dream ends

Star woke up scared and traumatized she looked around to see that she was in her room star was shaking she got out of bed and ran out her balcony and saw she was on earth she ran downstairs and out the door Star was thinking the whole time

Star: "please be ok please be ok please"

Back to star

You're POV

Star told you the story except her confession

Y/n: "star it's ok it was a nightmare don't worry I'm here I'm alive I'm next to you"

Star: "I'm sorry I was so scared that I lost you"

Y/n: "no need to apologize it's ok you were scared I totally understand and don't worry toffee is dead you killed him remember I was there when it happened remember"

Star: "yea"

Y/n: "it's ok don't worry toffee is dead come let's take you home"

You got up and you were about to walk but star grabbed you're arm

Star: "(y/n) I know this sounds crazy and weird but..."

Star stopped and blushed a bit

Y/n: "what's up star"

Star: "can I sleep here tonight?"

Those words where like bombs exploding in you're gut you're heart was racing but it felt like it stopped completely

Y/n: "um I uh well-i um"

Star hugged you she laid her cheek on you're chest

Star: "please?"

You sighed

Y/n: "I can't win a argument with you can I?"

Star actually smiled

Y/n: "come I'll show you you're room"

Star pouted

Star: "you know what I meant"

Y/n: "ok ok come on let's go to sleep"

You and star laid in bed star cuddled up against you were nervous beyond belief you tried to stay calm and play it cool but it's hard when you got you're crush cuddling on you

Star: "you are amazing thank you"

Y/n: "no problem star"

Star hugged you tightly and you did the same and you both fell asleep

My Shining Star (star x male reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now