Chapter 4 - News

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It's been two weeks since I received that damned message on my phone. Two weeks of silence and intrigue. My heart races at the sight of each light notification only to feel disappointed. Why did Cemil do it? Why did he alarm me and then ignores my calls and messages?

The new situation at the studio has at least provided me with needed distraction. Kaley and Zack bicker constantly, David watches them with a disapproving look, and nothing seems to bother Owen and Nathan. I'm glad I sided with Zack on his decision to hire Nathan. He's a hard worker and an introvert like me.

I felt worried when David approached me today to get a signature for a salary advance for Nathan. Is he in financial trouble? If he's anything like myself, he won't tell anyone of his problems...

At this moment, all I want every evening when I come home from work is to lie on bed and have a quiet night binging on shows to relax from it all.

My apartment is dark as I enter it, but the red light on my old answering machine catches my attention. Weird as no one ever calls me at home.

I press the dusty button as I rummage in my almost empty fridge, and I freeze on my spot as I hear a well-known voice.

"Master Elvam, please message me when you are available for a call."

Hearing Cemil's voice brings a mix of emotions. He's worked for my family since my parents got married, and I have received more care and affection from him than from my father. From the moment my father cut ties with me, Cemil has kept me updated about my mother, who was forbidden to look for me, risking losing his job.

My hands shake as I text him.

I'm home, call me as soon as you can.

I have a hunch that he has bad news for me, worse than when he called me about three months ago.

"Master Elvam," he said in a grave voice.

"Is everything all right?" I couldn't hide the panic in mine.

"I'm afraid things are not well. Your mother had new blood tests done and just got the results... It's an aggressive form of cancer. The outlook is not good."

My chest felt tight at the news and I was left speechless. My mom always had a delicate health, even though she tried to hide it from everyone, still, this was unexpected.

"Master Elvam?"

"Yes, sorry... I'm here," my voice came out in a whisper.

"She's been hospitalized to start her chemotherapy tomorrow. Your father is abroad and I'm trying to contact him."

It didn't surprise me to hear he wasn't around, but it bothered me immensely knowing that my mom was going through everything alone.

"I'm coming home," I felt determined.

"Don't. When your father comes back and finds you here, it will complicate things. Think of your mother. She doesn't need that right now," he plead.

I cried bitterly after he hung up. I miss my mom so much and the frustration and hatred I've developed towards my father for his abandonment seems to only grow with each day that passes.

The phone in my hand rings and I startle, juggling it to avoid it falling on the floor.

"Cemil, what's going on?"

"Master Elvam, I'm afraid I have bad news," he says in a tired and sad voice. "Your mother has taken a turn for the worse. Her doctor thinks she will leave us soon."

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