Chapter 18 - Secret

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The celebration mood was high when I left the studio. The people at Face were pleased with the Pure Bliss branding presentation. They chose our preferred color scheme and the feedback with changes was minimum. We received the website brief with some content ideas and now Nathan and I can brainstorm the look and feel of the wireframes. The next presentation will be on Kaley's packaging ideas which she looked eager to work on.

I watch Ciara from time to time as we make our way to the obstetrician's office. She is still wearing her school uniform, and it makes her look so young. Her hands twist nervously in her lap while looking out the window.

"You okay there?" I pat her knee.

"Sort of. When is the puking going to stop?"

"That's something you can ask about," I say as we park at the office.

Ciara walks to the receptionist and gets some forms to fill. All the posters with babies overwhelm me some. I then notice some people staring at me with a frown. Do they think I'm in a relationship with my daughter?

"Dad? Do you have my insurance card with you?" Ciara asks with her hand out.

People visibly chill after realizing their mistake. We wait then for about 15 minutes and then my girl gets called inside.

"You sure you don't want me to go in with you?"

"Nah, it's good. This is weird enough."

My phone provides some entertainment as I wait for her. My sisters are always posting cute photos of my little nephews in social media. I miss my family so much, yet I'm a bit hesitant about sharing what's happening in my own. I feel a hand on my arm, and when I look up, Ciara stands next to me and smiles.

"Everything okay?"

She hands me a picture of her ultrasound, and I see the change in her eyes. They are full of awe and love. "This is my baby."

"Hello, baby," I say, but feel confused at the picture which looks like the radar photo of a hurricane.

As we walk back to the car, Ciara tells me about what she spoke with the doctor and shows me the bunch of brochures she carelessly stuffed in her purse.

"She said everything looks fine so far and I'm seven weeks now."

As I'm looking in my mirror to pull out of the parking lot, I see Kaley walking towards the same office.

"What is she doing here?" I whisper.

"Who?" Ciara asks while rummaging in her bag.

"My boss. Kaley," I follow her with my eyes.

"Maybe she is also pregnant," Ciara shrugs while opening a pack of crackers.

Kaley? Pregnant?


The sick feeling in my stomach can be confusing at times. Is it nerves, the pregnancy or do I feel butterflies? I walk ahead of David, who had to park a bit further since the front lot was full. After I announce myself at the reception and fill some forms, David joins me. I'm glad he came with me as not only he calms me, but we'll probably have to give details about our medical histories.

When the nurse calls my name, we stand up and follow her. Inside, the office is decorated in pastel tones, and tons of baby announcement cards hang from lines along the walls. Will I ever get to design one? We meet with the obstetrician, Dr. Zara Lagos, a kind woman around my age and explain our problem.

"I can't deny that it's a delicate situation and you'll require additional care. Let's take a look to assess your health," she says standing up and inviting me to lie on the examination bed.

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