Chapter 40 - Impressions

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A week has gone by since the day when Owen got the call to go home, only to find out Nathan had knocked out the dick who got his daughter pregnant. I've been freaking out ever since and worrying about Mila spending time alone at my apartment. My attackers seem to have disappeared, but every day I fear they will return or I will encounter that girl or her friends from that horrible night when I'm downtown. I've gained weight and have a different haircut. I'm also wearing my glasses again. Both Kaley and Mila assure me I look different and they won't recognize me so easily, but I can't shake the bad feeling off.

A few days ago, I was the one who received an unexpected call. I couldn't believe it when I saw the familiar number on the caller ID.

"Mom?" I hesitated while turning on the speaker on my phone.

"How are you, sweetheart?"

"I'm fine."

"Good to hear. How's Mila doing?"

Her simple question left me almost shocked. "Mila is also doing well."

At that moment, Mila walked into the living room, wearing one of her crazy penguin pajamas. Her face filled up with curiosity at the mention of her name.

"Zackary, I want to apologize over what happened. We handled the news terribly and ruined what should have been a happy moment. I hope you can forgive us."

Mila sat next to me and held my hand while I gathered my thoughts.

"It hurt, Mom. I get that we have done things differently, but we know what we are getting into. I'm still struggling to stay clean and if it wasn't for Mila, I would have likely failed. Your rejection and everything Dad said crushed us. I need you all more than ever."

"I realized that after a call with Alice. She made me see what a blessing a grandchild is, and how much you need our support right now."

"What's Dad's opinion in all of this?"

"He's warming up to the idea. You know how hard-headed he can be. I've found him with the ultrasound photo in his hands a couple of times."

Mila closed her eyes, and a tear escaped her. I couldn't talk from the knot that formed in my throat. I need to send a 'thank you' gift to Kaley and Alice for making this happen.

"We love you, Zackary. We want the best for you, and if that is Mila then we are happy."

"She's the best that has happened to me and I love her so much," I looked into Mila's eyes while kissing her hand.

"We would like to see you both. Start all over again. Are you available for a visit next weekend? We'll stay in a hotel, of course."

"No hotel. Mila and I will be happy to receive you guys in our home."

Mila smiled and nodded, and I felt relieved that she agreed to the idea.

"I'm looking forward to it. I'll let you know our travel plans as soon as possible."

Today is the day of their arrival and I have mixed feelings about it. I always loved when they came to visit, but after what happened at their house, I'm wondering if they are accepting of my situation. Mila says she has a plan and that I need to give them a fair chance. The arrivals screen says their flight landed a while ago, and every minute that passes adds to the stress I'm feeling. I wish my girlfriend was here, but she stayed at the apartment to make dinner and receive them in a decent-looking home. Mom waves at me the moment she spots me and Dad walks behind her with his usual frown.

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