Chapter Two

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Soon after I leave the interns I'm paged to trauma room one, which I guess is in the ER. I walk into the room and see a young woman seizing on a gurney.

"Looks like we have a wet fish on dry land." I say.

"Absolutely Doctor, uhh..." says the resident on the case.

"Snow." I tell her.

"Bailey." She replies.

I put my hands together. "Doctor Bailey we'll need a shotgun." She nods and the interns give me a funny look.

"That means every test in the book. CT, CBC, Tox-Screen. Christina you're on labs. George patient workups. Meredith get Katie to CT, she's your responsibility now." Bailey orders her interns. She nods to me and I leave the room.


After Katie's lab results and scans come back they show that no damage was done to her heart so I'm not needed on the case. Instead I'm on a simpler case.

I stand and watch O'Malley (the staring intern from earlier) attempt to put the needle for a blood test into my patient's arm. Three attempts go by making me finally lose my patience. Pulling on a pair of gloves I order him out, take the needle into my own hands and put it in effortlessly.

"Bet you messed up a lot when you first started out, huh?" George says to me.

I just look at him and smile. "You and I are going to have so much fun together."

He looks down petrified.


I'm sitting in the cafeteria filling in charts when Derek comes up to me with Burke by his side.

"Interns will be the death of me." Derek groans, placing his tray down and resting his head in his hands.

"Tell me about it." Burke and I agree simultaneously.

"The chief's put me in charge of choosing the first intern to do their first surgery." Burke adds.

"Really? Who's it gonna be?" I ask.

"Christina Yang seems to be the most confident." Derek says biting into his sandwich.

"O'Malley." Burke says.

I stop writing and look up at him. "O'Malley? He's clueless! He couldn't even find a patient's vein this morning!"

"It's him who shows the most promise." He simply says.

"You're kidding me? You're putting a defenceless lamb to the slaughter the day it's been born." I protest.

"I disagree." Burke stands up and makes his way over to the table where the interns are sat.

"Why do you care so much about Burke choosing O'Malley?" Derek asks me.

I glare at him. "Don't start."

A smile creeps up on his face. "Ahh, Okay."

"Derek-" he cuts me off, his smile growing bigger as he does so.

"You should go talk to him. They're all your age, you'll fit right in."

"No, I won't. I've never fitted in with anyone. Try finishing your residency at 20 - everyone hates you." I sigh.

"People don't hate you they just get jealous. There's nothing about you to hate." He tries to comfort me but fails.

"Whatever." I say turning to watch Burke tells the interns his news. He touches George's shoulder making his face fall. A pang of sympathy runs through me. Burke then comes back to the table, O'Malley's eyes on his back the entire time. As he sits down George's gaze slips onto me. I give him an encouraging smile and he returns a small one before turning back to his food.

My pager goes off in my pocket. "I've gotta go, I'll see you guys later." I pick up my charts and leave the cafeteria.


A few hours later it's time for George's first appendectomy. I make my way to the gallery where everyone is gathered to watch him. The OR and patient are being prepped and George stands in the corner with his arms help up in front of him.

"He's gonna faint, he's a fainter." Someone says behind me.

"Nah, code brown. He's gonna crap his pants." Says another.

Then people start betting.

"Ten bucks says he messes up the McBurney."

"Fifteen - he cries" adds Christina.

"I'll put twenty on a total breakdown."

This tips me over the edge. "Fifty says he pulls the whole thing off." Everyone goes quiet and stare at me. "That's one of you down there. The first one of you. Where's your loyalty?"

There's a moment of silence until Christina says, "seventy - five says he can't even ID the appendix."

At that moment doctor Burke walks into the OR. "Okay O'Malley, lets see what you can do."

George asks for a scalpel and everyone in the gallery cheers. Burke gestures for them to stop and it falls silent again. George's eyes find mine so I smile and nod at him. He begins.

Everything goes smoothly and he takes the appendix out. That is until he gets to the caecum...and rips it. He begins to freeze as the patient's bleeder worsens.

"Start the suction and dig for those purse strings before she bleeds to death." Burke urges.

George continues to freeze.

"Get out of the way you pansy ass idiot." Burke shoved him aside.

"007." Someone says. " a total 007"

"What does 007 mean?" Izzie asks.

George's eyes lock on mine.
"Licence to kill."

Thanks for reading this chapter!! If you have any suggestions on what you'd like in this book just let me know!

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