Chapter Five

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A few days later me, Izzie and George are moved into Meredith's house. I wake up and go into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.

"George's closet is bigger than mine." I hear Izzie say. For the past few days George and Izzie have been arguing constantly about the sizes of their rooms.

"Why is everything a competition?" He retorts. They walk through the kitchen, into the laundry room and then back up the stairs following Meredith, arguing all the way. I sigh, pour my coffee into a travelling mug and go to work.

I decided to walk today and halfway to work I meet Derek and Bailey standing, waiting to cross the road.

"Hey guys." I greet them both.

"Hey." Derek says at the same time Bailey tells me to shut up.

"You realise that we're attendings and you're only a resident." Derek continues, "That you work for us, right?"

"I know I've forgotten something." Bailey ignores him. "Something is happening today. I know I should know what it is but I just can't..."

"Alright, nice talking to you doctor Bailey." I say and start to walk into the road. Suddenly tons of bikes come racing in front of me and Derek grabs my waist pulling me back. They whizz around us, crashing and skidding as they do so.

'This is going to be one crazy day.' I think to myself.


Once I'm in the hospital I learn that the 'Dead Baby Bike Race' started today. Basically a bar hosts an illegal race that people compete in to get free drinks. Sounds pretty stupid to me.

The ER is mostly filled with people who have minor injuries that the interns are more than capable fixing. I'm about to leave when I'm paged to trauma room two.

"What have we got?" I ask to no one in particular as I enter the room.

"Unidentified John Doe, mid-30s pedestrian, hit by a motorist swerving to avoid a bike." Christina fills me in. "GCS 3. Pupils fixed and dilated. Atropine given for a pulse in the 40s. BP 183 over 112. Pulse ox 98 percent." She goes on to tell Derek who entered behind me. She hands him the CT scans and Izzie hands me his chest scans. "Chest showed widened mediastinum and heat CT revealed cerebral oedema." She says.

Derek and I share sad glances. "Is he brain dead?" I ask him.

"Looks like it." He answers and sighs. "The bike race claims its first victim."


Thank you for reading this chapter!! I'm so sorry for being gone for so long and for this chapter being this short! I've been very busy recently with Christmas and new year and everything.
I have two other stories on my account if you want something else to read.
Don't forget to vote and comment! Xx

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