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Kim laid out me an outfit before she left my room, with Jared. They are letting me change myself, since I am fully heeled now. I put on some skinny jeans and a sweater before putting my sneakers on.

I brush my hair and leave my room. Paul is sitting on the couch, red eyed. "Paul?"

"Hey, Demi." Paul hugs me.

"What's wrong, Paul?" I ask, sitting him back down. "Why are you crying?"

"You probably don't care, but Rachel is dead." Paul whimpers. "She has a wreck yesterday."

I frown. "Of course, I care. Is Billy and Jaxon okay?"

Paul shrugs. "I hover been there since I got the funeral arrangements."

"Wanna Go over there together?" I ask.

Paul looks me in my eyes, and smiles. "Sure, come on."

I take Paul's hand and he walks me to his truck.

"I wanna give us another shot." Paul tells me. "I do love you, so much."

"Of course, lets give it another shot, imprint." I smile.

Paul holds my hand again, this time while he is driving to the Black residence.

"Billy." I hug the man I'm a wheelchair. "My apologies for Rachel."

Billy sniffles. "She's in a place with no suffering, she would have died anyway. She had cancer."

"What stage?" Paul asks from behind me.

Billy blinks towards Paul, with a sad smile. "Stage 3 Leukemia:"

Paul walks inside, unable to look at Rachel's father.

"Rachel lost two babies, Paul's, before you came around Demi." Billy smiles. "I am a grandpa, rather they are living or not."

I kiss Billy's head. "Of course, Billy."

I step inside and Jacob engulfs me in a hug. Jacob's tears are soaking my shirt; but I Push it aside and rub the sobbing wolf's back soothingly. Paul smiles at us before he steps outside with Billy again.

"Paul,?" I call, seeing his truck gone.

"I'll give him a call." Billy tells me. "Wait here."

I sit on the ramp of Billy's Home while e goes to call Paul, my imprint. I stare at the trees, watching the heavy winds blow at them.

"It's gonna storm tomorrow." Jacob says, sitting beside me. "I'll be at Sam's."

"Good." I smile. "Not about the storms, but about you being at Sam's."

"Paul was called by Anne, his dad is drunk again." Billy tells me. "Sam's on his way."

"Thanks, Billy." I reply before noticing Jacob gone. "He must be patrolling."

"Yep." Billy sighs. "Must Be."

Sam pulls up soon later and I get into the jeep, fastening my seatbelt. "Paul has to hurry home when his dad's drunk, he hits Anne sometimes."

"I understand." I sigh. "My uncle used to be that way, before I found out Beau is my actual dad."

"I know." Sam smiles while he parks in front of the house. "Paul will probably be over when his father is taken care of."

I nod before I go inside. Emily smiles stiffly at me before o go to my room. My stuff is packed.

"Sammy!!!" I tell.

"Wha—- what's going on?" Sam looks at my stuff.

"That's what I wanna know." I growl. "I didn't pack it."

"Emily!" Sam growls before leaving my room.

I call Paul.

"Hello?" Paul grumbles I to the phone, sounding annoyed.

"Paul? It's Demi." I mutter.

"Baby, are you okay?" Paul's voice turns worried.

"Emily has my stuff packed." I whisper. "Because I think she is jealous of me."

"Jealous Of Sam's sister?" Paul sounds shocked. "Emily sure has changed. I'll be right there. I just got done with my dad."

"Pack meeting!" Sam yells.

"I heard." Paul grumbles. "I'll be right there."

I sit in the arm chair. "Paul is on his way. He just finished with his dad."

"Good." Sam smiles at me. "I need him most importantly."

Right as those words leave Sam's mouth, Paul walks in. I move to the loveseat beside him, and Sam smiles at us.

"It's good seeing that you two made up." Sam smiles. "Paul, is that house across the street from you still open?"

"Yeah, it is as far as I know." Paul replies. "Why?"

"So Emily doesn't get jealous over my sister, I need you to talk to your landlord, have him rent to my sister." Sam says, glaring at Emily as he addresses me.

"I'll do that." Paul smirks. "Let me just give him a call."

Paul leaves the room. Emily is leaned against the kitchen door way, her arms wrapped around her torso.

"I'm sorry, Demi." Emily frowns.

I roll my eyes. "Of course you are when I'm on the verge of moving."

"The place is hers." Paul says, coming back into the living room. "He isn't asking for rent, e just wants you to take care of the place.

"You have the same deal I have here." Sam smiles. "I'll call and tell dad, he'll tell your mom. Jared, Paul, and Embry, you three help Demi with her bedroom stuff. Go to my storage unit in Port Angeles. There are couches and televisions in there."

Paul, Jared, and Embry all leave with their orders. Kim is helping me get my belongings to Jared's truck, the boys all rode in Paul's. I drive to the new house, and the landlord unlocks the door for me.

"Here you go, miss Smith." Ronald smiles. "I hope you enjoy the house."

"Thanks, Ronald." I smile as I take the key from him. "Go home and enjoy some time with your wife."

"I will, miss Smith." Ronald smiles before he leaves.

I walk inside my new house right as Kim helps carry my clothes to the bedroom. We put my clothes in the closet. The boys all start setting my bedroom and the living room up.

"We are sleeping here." Jared Chips. "I'm exhausted."

"Okay." I yawn.

I go to my room and I change into some pajamas. I collapse in my bed when Paul joins me in my room. He smiles at be before stripping to his boxers.

"If I'm gone when you wake up, I'm at home, taking care of my hungover father." Paul whispers. "Then I'm taking you car shopping."

I nod tiredly before resting my head on his chest. After a while, I fall asleep listening to Paul's heartbeat.

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