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I sit parked outside of the Cullen's Home for the longest, before Jasper comes outside.

"You Can come in; we are about to go after Edward, and Bella will be over shortly." Jasper speaks softly as e opens my door for me.

"Thank you, Jasper." I say with a sigh, getting out of my car.

"You si have nice legs." Jasper jokes. "Come on in."

I follow Jasper inside, and Alice squeals at me shoes. Jasper gives me a half hug before flashing out of the house. Edward is probably at Bella's, being sure she won't chicken out before their wedding tomorrow. I am sure Bella won't chicken out, she is crazy about Edward Anthony Mason Cullen.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Jas." I hug my vampire friend.

Jasper and Emmett both leave for the night. They are fetching Edward from Bella's first, then they are going to go their thing. Alice leaves to go pick Bella up, so Bella doesn't have to drive, and she won't try to escape.

"Is that an engagement ring I see?" Rosalie asks with a glint in her eyes.

"Paul proposed yesterday." I chirp. "And of course, I said yes!"

Rosalie smiles and she hugs me. Esme smiles at the both of us.

"Congrats, Demi." Esme grins. "I'm happy for the two of you."

"Thank you, Esme." I smile at the beautiful vampire. "I appreciate that."

"Those shoes are to die for." Rosalie whistles at my heels. "And those legs! Emmett and Jasper weren't lying."

I smirk. "I got my mamas legs. Oh, I need to call my mom."

I step out onto the balcony, with my cellphone in hand. I see Alice and Bella pulling up. I wave at Alice before I dial my mothers number. I believe I can forgive her, where I'm actually kinda close to Sam and Beau.

"Demi?" Mother's shocked voice comes over the speaker. "Are you okay?"

"Mama, wanted to forgive you." I start off.

Mama sobs happily. "Oh baby, thank you!"

"Of course; mama." I smile to myself. "I also have some more news."

"What's going on, D?" Mama asks, sounding calm now that I have forgiven her.

"Mama, Paul proposed." I say.

Mama is silent. "What?"

"Paul asked me to marry him; I told him yes." I repeat.

After a few moments of silence, Mama squeals. "Oh my god!!!! That's exciting!"

I smirk. "I know. I better go, I'm in Forks seeing Bella."

"Alright, Be careful babygirl." Mama coos before I hang up.

Alice hugs me when I enter the hose again. "I seriously love those shoes."

"I'm wearing heels again tomorrow, to the actual wedding." I reply.

"Great, they go with you, Demi." Alice grins at me. "Alright, activity time."

Alice sure had everything planned out for today. Jasper has just walked me out to my car, and I am driving home. Alice has insisted on planning mine and Paul's wedding. I didn't protest, Paul is even okay with the idea.

Paul is sitting on his porch with Anne Lahote, drinking some sweet tea I think. I wave at the both of them before entering my house. I sit on my couch and I kick my heels off. I turn my television on, and I find something the slightest bit intriguing.

"Hey, babe." Paul greets walking in. "Mom wants you over for supper tonight, dad's in rehab."

"Let me change, and we can walk on over." I reply.

I go to my bedroom, and I strip out of my somewhat fancy dress. I get changed rather quickly, into something simple enough for the fall weather and dinner at my boyfriends house and meeting his mom properly.

I brush my slightly tangled hair before meeting Paul out in the living room

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I brush my slightly tangled hair before meeting Paul out in the living room. Paul takes my hand, and he walks me across the street.

"Hi, sweetie." Anne Lahote greets me. "I'm Anne, Paul's mom."

"I'm Demi Smith." I reply. "Paul's fiancée."

"I know." She winks at Paul. "I wish I had met you before my son here proposed."

"I was scared to bring her over because of dad." Paul whispers.

Anne kisses her sons cheek. "I know son." She sighs sadly. "Demi, honey, how does homemade pizza and salad sound?"

"Sounds amazing, Anne." I reply simply.

Anne finally takes in my outfit. "You look cute! You're about the same size as Paul's half sister, Katie."

"Half sister?" I question.

"Paul and Katie share me as a mom, but they have different fathers." Anne replies as she starts prepping the pizza. "Katie is actually getting ready to move in."

"That's sweet." I smile.

"Oh, and Demi Katie really wants to be one of brides maids in her brother's wedding." Anne adds, sliding the pizza in the oven.

"She has got the position." I smile.

Anne smiles as she starts on the large salad. "That's nice of you, Demi."

I sit beside Paul at the table as his eyes are glued on the oven. The aroma of the pizza fills the house and I see a brunette girl around my age walks in.

"Are you Demi?" She asks chirpily.

"Yep." I reply. "Are you Katie?"

"Wow, my brother has stepped his game up." She smiles. "Yes, I'm Katie. You're very pretty."

"Thanks." I smile. "So are you."

Paul gets the pizza out of the oven for Anne, eager for his three slices. Anne, Katie, and I get us some pizza too.

"So, can i be one of your brides maids?" Katie asks, taking a bite of her salad.

"You, Emily Young, and Rosalie Hale." I reply.

"I'll call Sam, and have him tell Emily." Paul says, finishing up his pizza.

"I'm gonna to Home, and get some sleep." I say, almost tired. "I'm going to a wedding in Forks tomorrow."

Katie walks me home. "Goodnight, Demi. Sleep well."

I lock up behind me, making Paul stay home. I go to my bedroom, and I change into some pajamas. I collapse into my bed, and I fall asleep soon enough.

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