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Disclaimer: The TV series "LazyTown" was created Magnús Scheving and is owned by Turner Broadcasting System. This work of fanfiction is solely for entertainment purposes. I do not own the characters depicted in this story, nor do I gain any profit from using them.


Smoke poured out of the windows of Pixel's house while a robotic voice wailed over and over again its ear splitting "WARNING— WARNING— WARNING—"

Hiding behind the stone wall across the street Pixel and Stephanie coughed and panted for breath and waited for the disaster to end. They didn't even notice as a bug-eyed periscope shot up out of the ground and observed the goings on with them.

"What's all that noise?" Robbie Rotten wondered as he watched through that very same periscope. The metal speakers hanging from his ceiling broadcast every siren call coming out of Pixel's house and made his own lair echo and ring like a bell. Darting inside Gizmo Guy's house went a white and blue blur to save the day— Sportacus, of course.

For a time the alarms kept blaring louder and higher pitched until suddenly they waned out into silence. Sportacus came jogging back out of the house with a box tucked under one arm and a grim look on his face.

"Guys, I tried to unplug the computer but I think I was too late," the hero said.

"It's gone?" Pixel whimpered.

"But I saved this," Sportacus said, holding out the box. The boy's eyes briefly lit up at the sight of his motherboard.

"Yeah!" But as Stephanie accepted the warped and burnt hunk of plastic and metal from Sportacus, Pixel deflated. "Oh no, it's melted! All the pictures and stuff on my computer, all the memory, gone...!"

Losing interest now that everyone was out of danger Robbie turned away from his periscope with a disgusted snort.

"Oh, if only that do-gooder, Sportacus, could have a memory meltdown, like POODLE'S computer. He'd never be able to save anyone again, FOREVER..." A devious smile stretched his lips. "So... why can't he?"


Up in the town square Robbie worked as quickly as he could while hefting the heavy wooden sports hurdles around. He was so pleased with himself that he did a little twirl as he set them down in a line one after the other.

"Sportacus won't be able to resist my trap!" He chuckled as he worked, staggering the equipment strategically so that it rounded the stone wall to where the real payoff awaited.

Standing free of any support was what looked like a big orange door frame without any door. There were many strange dials, prongs, and knobs sticking off of it all around. Robbie admired his handiwork and couldn't help boasting.

"BEHOLD! The Memory Sucker 3000!" He waved his arms at his invention in a grandiose fashion, then pantomimed a running man. "When he runs through the door—" The frame flashed a bright light as the villain's hands trespassed the threshold and he recoiled with another chuckle. "It's BYE-BYE, memory! And he won't know his SWISH from his SWOOSH!"

Wasting no more time Robbie scurried behind the wall and peered round to look for the object of his derision. Just in time! There was Sportacus now, running and flipping and twisting in midair as he dashed across town, surely on some other annoying noble errand or other.

But as soon as Sportacus spied the hurdles, just as Robbie predicted, the man stopped mid-run and looked curiously at the setup.

"What...?" Sportacus wondered. A grin spread across his face, tickled by the challenge. He let out a small laugh, pumped his arms, and ran towards the first hurdle.

Robbie ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now