Chapter 2- Dude You Scared Me

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Avery's POV

"What the hell was he obviously thinking, I could've had punch him so hard he was gonna bleed" I told Skye while walking down the hall. Suddenly we passed by the bulletin board "Student Council Treasurer: Landon Prescott's contact number" ohhkay so that's why he said I could get his number by the bulliten board and why I would need his number.

"Landon Prescott?" I said in a confused way while I was saving his number on my new Iphone 6 plus. "Yeah I get it, how come a freshman is included in our Student Council well you could say he is special!" Skye uttered with a sigh.

"Special? why? I mean not that uhmm, okay so go ahead tell me" Yeah how could a freshman be in student council only juniors and seniors were allowed to run in this school

"Well you see his IQ is 117 so at the age of 15 he was given multiple opportunities such as being in Pre-Calc and joining the Student Council and well his Mom owns this school, but he doesn't want them to know" so that's why though he really is a nice kid he wasn't boastful neither does he want to brag about anything he has.

Just then we arrived at the cafeteria it was awesome the tables looked expensive and so was the stools, the ceiling was pretty high. There is something that really caught my eyes it was a huge glass window that was 1 feet above the floor that goes all the way up the ceiling, in that mirror you could see the astonishing scenery of the football field and the school's own victory garden.

Skye welcomed me to the table that was near the huge window, along the way to the table a sundry of people greeted her and told her something about this Quiz Bee the school was attending. "Avery are you fine?" then I noticed I was spacing out a bit, probably I was thinking of how bad we've kinda gone through.

"Yeah Im good, anyways why were the preponderance greeted you like that?" while I was asking her she had this look on her face in a what not agigated way. It was like she was not telling me something but we only met so I guess it would be eldritch If I would ask her.

"I shall be penitent I didn't tell you earlier my dad is the Mayor of this City and I sort of didn't want people to know except maybe you, even though we only met I feel so secure around you, they greeted me because I am the Student Council's Vice President and I am incharged of the Quiz Bee participants" so that's why; AWKWARD

I just nod in sympathy to what she said. There it goes again the same person slightly pulling my hair. Once again I was infuriated and prepared myself, I closed my fist almost ready to hit the person. Just as I was about to punch the person I moved its hand on my shoulders "Ave it is me Evan!" holy shit good thing I had good reflexes I nearly hit Evan's nose.

" Evan! do not as in NEVER do that again you don't wanna have a nose job in Seattle." I howled at him telling him to sit down. You wanna ask why I was having good reflex?

*nods head up and down* that means a No

okay so no story time for today.

"Chill! Ave I am so so sorry I messed with your spleen, believe me If I knew you'd rage easily I wouldn't have done that!"

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"How are you kids?" mom uttered while welcoming me and Evan a hug, but instead Evan just bolted out towards his room. What's up with him? Mom just looked too shocked she just settled it with a laugh. " Someone is PMSing" hahahaha Evan he is just himself give him some alone time and his doltishness would fly away to he knows where his thing goes.

*stomach sounds* " Woah honey, your baby's hungry" mom thinks Im pregnant coz I eat like one. "Yeah sure mom, what's for di" I was cut off by my mom's sob, why is she crying? "oh honey!" hhuhuhu she is crying! again!

"Mom what's wrong? EVAN!!! come down here this instant" after hearing what I just shouted he instantly came down and hugged mom. I bet mom was annoyed by our interoggating, she was still sobbing yet we bombarded her with too many questions.

"I, I just, I burnt the special cookies I made for your aunt!" whutttttt! did she just say after almost an hour of comforting her. All for 36 burned so-called " special cookies"

"DUDE YOU SCARED ME" Evan said while giving me his stink eyes, yet he still looked adorable. Whut I didn't even know why mom cried and now he is blaming me because I disturbed his Skype Sessions with Olivia her girlfriend?

"Wait, it was eventually, really, indefinably, subconsciously, literally not my fault I didn't even know why mom was crying so much over her so called special cookies" mom looked at me with an angered look. All Evan was doing was to smirk at my mom everytime I say So Called Special Cookies.

"Hey they are special! okay so I was over-reacting!" there you go it took me much time before mom had finally conceded she was over-emoting.

"There ya go, that was what I was waiting for!" mom wacked my arm away from her. OA!!!!! Like is she even our real mom? Gosh this household is getting on my nerves. I raised my right brow at both mom and Evan and ran to the stairs all the way up. As I got inside my room I sat on my swivel chair. awesome right? Im an office girl material! I opened my macbook and opened all my SNS accounts.

Hmmm lets do some stal- Hey Gal! Stalking someone are we? a message popped up on IM. Skye sure is intimidating sometimes. But who is isnt these days anyways?

Its not stalking its called unpaid private investigating -AveryengersXoXo

Oh really? Need an assistant? -SkyeIsTheLimit

Nahh! Im good just need some checking up on those chums in school -AveryengersXoXo

ohh, kk! Might as well check on the special hottie ;) -SkyeIsTheLimit

Another message from Skye popped up, but I guess she sent it several minutes ago shes offline now. Maybe because I was busy browsing some new dubsmash by some infamous people, quite interesting. "Averyengers!" look whos calling? its my ever wonderful, kind, nonsarcastic, perfectly normal mother. the sarcasm tho.

"Whut!? Im busy here!" Im sure whatever that is, it can wait. I havent been fangirling for a while ; more like since forever. And Im sure she's just gonna ask me to clean up the mess she made while baking. "Come down now! and Im not asking you to clean up the mess for me!" she knew I was talking about her behind her wide back. What a delightful mother.

"Someone's looking for you! And it aint Finn and Jake!" psshh! when could I ever live a normal teenage life when my family is not normal to begin with. Yeah Coming, Im coming down the choco fountain when I ate, and Im coming down for choco when Im starved. Haha not sure where that came from, I dont even know if those lyrics even exist . (She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain was what she was supposed to sing)

I sloppy-ly? pushed my buns up ,turned the knob slowly and walked as slow as a boat to china while going down the stairs. I poked my head on the stair ceiling. Man! I got tall. Oh ? oh! right I was wearing a wedged high top shoes that's why.

A see a shiny black shoe and a suit and tie and uhmm

"Ms. Avery"


Hey Sup! Id' be doubting to see someone reading this haha :) Im not a writer, Im no good at this haha but I just keep typing anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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