Chapter 2

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"Alright class, don't forget to study for the test when you come back from your Christmas break." The Economics teacher announces as the students were packing up to leave the class. It was the last class of the day, club activities would be starting soon.

Ayano swiftly organized her notes and slid them into her folder before she felt a hand on her shoulder. Ayano paused and turned around expecting it to Budo but to her surprise it was no other than a orange haired girl with cute tattered ribbons in her hair. She looked at her with bags under her sunset colored eyes. 

"A-Aishi-chan...please tell me...have you seen Taro!?" Osana says almost desperately, it was quite unsettling then her usual tsundere behavior. She always carried snide remarks with her and such a flustered face that you could tell she never meant them. Now, the girl in front of her looked like a total mess. Her hair was down and disheveled and it looked like she hadn't slept last night.

"No." Ayano murmured turning back to her desk to tend to her folders. She shoved away her memories from last night and before that, no longer wanting to relive them.

"You have to know...!" Osana pressed roughly turning Ayano to face her. Osana had a frustrated look on her face. She'd been asking everyone since yesterday afternoon of the whereabouts of Taro Yamada.  

"I don't, also I've seen you stalking me all morning. Why don't you just leave me alone?"

"I know you know where he is, h-he called me yesterday he sounded so scared and-"

"Are you sure your not becoming delusional ever since he broke up with you?" Ayano comments as she brushed her things into her navy blue bag. 

Its been a couple of months since Taro Yamada had broken up with Osana Najimi. His reason for breaking up with her didn't please her. Truth be told, she hadn't been the same person ever since. 

"Are you calling me crazy!!?" Osana cried out raising her voice louder and tightening her grip on Ayano's shoulder. 

"That's not the word I would use to describe you but its close." Ayano counters and she could see Osana's teeth grinding in anger and small tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"But don't you care about Taro!?...he..he...!"

"He can rot in hell for all that I care..." Ayano finished her sentence for her causing Osana's sunset eyes to widen. She slowly releases Ayano's shoulder, her expression darkening into a grim one.


Ayano suddenly felt the sting of pain on the left side of her face, she gently put a hand to her now redden face and turned to Osana with dull charcoal eyes. She expected this to happen but still it was hard to resist the urge to bash her skull into a desk right now.

Osana stood in front of her shaking in anger as more tears ran down her tired face.  

"H-How could you say that..when...when he broke up with me for you!!!" Osana shouted as her hands turned into fists. 

Ayano stared back at her silently before turning away from her and continuing to pack her things. 

"He loved you and don't care!?"

"We're done talking here, Osana."

"Don't you dare leave, we aren't done here!"

"Oh but I believe we are. Go see a therapist you look like you need one."

"Y-You're heartless!! What did Taro ever see in you!!"

"Nothing...Nothing at all." Ayano murmurs to herself before leaving Osana alone in the classroom. 

Ayano's Traumatic ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now