Chapter 3

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Ayano sat there frozen as the Martial Arts Leader kissed her. His lips were warm and soft while hers was cold and motionless. He held her hand tightly as if she would suddenly disappear from him if he were to let go. Ayano never once did break her gaze from him.

Slowly, Budo wrapped his arms around Ayano's shoulders bringing her closer and deepening the kiss.  

"Nn..." Ayano immediately felt the warmth of his body engulf her as well as his muscular arms around her. She was trapped in the arms of the Martial Arts Leader and made no attempt to escape him. 

It wasn't too long until Budo slowly pulled away, it was an almost hesitant gesture. He looked at Ayano and notice tears rolling down her face.

"Ah, Ayano I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that!" Budo says loosening his arms around her but Ayano shook her head.

"N-No...I'm just....." Ayano murmurs while wiping the hot tears from her face. She couldn't help but break into a small smile. "Happy."

Budo looked at her stunned while Ayano wiped away her tears. He probably didn't understand why she was crying in the first place. After all, she'd been after the wrong boy since day one and finally found someone else that actually loved her. It made her heart swell in happiness that the tears wouldn't stop coming down.

"Ayano..." Budo's soft voice could be heard laced with worry. Ayano gently took a hold of his hand and brought it to her face. His hand was so soft and warm. She wanted to hold his hand forever. Her pink lips slightly parted. It was time to tell him.

"Budo-kun I-"

"What is going on here?" A firm voice asked making the two jump in surprise.  Ayano turns her head around to meet the eyes of Riku Soma standing by the doorway of the classroom with a suspicious look plastered on his face. His expression change once he saw Ayano's crying flushed face. "Ayano!"

Riku quickly made his way over to her and gently placed his hands on her shoulder. "Are you okay!?"

"S-Soma-kun what are you doing here?" Ayano says staring at the violet haired boy in confusion and slight irritation. 

"I wanted to drive you home, so I came looking for you and its a good thing I did." Riku replied and wrapped his arms firmly around her shoulders while glaring at Budo who sat there with narrowed charcoal eyes. "So tell me, Masuta-kun. Why did you make Ayano cry?"

"Unhand her, Riku. You're sticking your nose into others peoples business." Budo replied icily while glaring at the boy who's grip only tightened on Ayano. "Besides, Ayano wasn't crying sad tears but happy ones." Budo replied smugly while trying to keep down the urge of ripping Riku's arms off of the girl.

"I highly doubt it, you were probably harassing her about another martial Arts club meeting." Riku countered.

"I was not!" Budo replied back.

Ayano felt the negative energy between the two as they bantered on. She was rendered silent unsure of how to stop the two idiots. Suddenly, Riku pulled Ayano up to a stand and Ayano blinked in surprise at him.

"C'mon Ayano, lets go home, we can even stop by at the cafe and get hot chocolate if you want." Riku suggested kindly with warmth in his violet eyes.

"No way, I'm driving Ayano home!" Budo declared in a seething voice as he grabbed Ayano's hand and pulled her towards him.

Ayano felt like a toy being fought over by children from the position she was in.

"Nobody's getting Ayano but me!" A voice suddenly says causing everyone to pause. Mina Rai stepped in and pointed a finger at Ayano with fiery determination in her dark brown eyes. Ayano felt herself pale. "She owes me a match!!"Mina declared with authority in her voice like it was her divine right to fight Ayano.

Ayano's Traumatic ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now