Chapter 7

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The morning came quickly, dim sunshine could be seen from the frosted window and a few of the neighbors light chatter could be heard as they shoveled their driveways. Cars drove by too, their wheels sloshing against the snow road.

Ayano didn't want to get out of bed, she felt strangely warm and comfortable. She didn't want to start her day yet but indulge in a lazy morning until it was early afternoon. But she knew if she did that she wouldn't have time to eat breakfast nor tidy up the house by time her martial arts friends arrived.

As Ayano tried to get out of bed she found that she couldn't. Alarmed now Ayano's eyes widen as she quickly glanced around only to find herself nestled in the Martial Arts Leaders muscular arms. It took her a few seconds to process this as silence fell over her. Then like a switch she was filled with wrath.

"Budo Masuta what the hell are you doing in my room!?" Ayano yelled as she pushed the boy off of her bed in a flustered state. What if she was in her underwear!? Her embarrassing pink panties could have easily been revealed to him.  

"Gahh!"Budo fell onto the floor and groaned in pain the second he recovered from it. "Did you really have to do that, you were the one not letting go of me."

"Don't turn this one me, what were you doing in my room in the first place!!!" Ayano says while quickly bringing the sheet up to her body.

"I came to wake you up so we could have breakfast together." Budo says with pure honesty and oblivion to the embarrassing situation he put himself in. "But when I try to shake you awake you grabbed my arm and pulled me over. You're really strong by the way."

"..." Ayano was rendered silent as her lip were pursed in frustration. This innocent boy just wanted to have a romantic breakfast together and here she was yelling at him thinking he was up to no good. She felt guilty not trusting her beloved, but didn't show it because one question was still bothering her. "How did you get into my house?"

"Your door wasn't locked." Budo simply says. "You must have forgotten to lock it when I left yesterday."

"Yeah..."Ayano murmurs, a lot did happen yesterday from Budo's confession and kiss, to her fight with Mina and the her rejection to Riku Soma. "...I'm sorry for yelling."

"Huh?" Budo says not listening. 

"I said I was-!"Before Ayano could finish Budo pulled her over to him causing her to yelp in surprise. She quickly found herself sitting on his lap and immediately her face was heated. 

"I was joking. Besides I think its cute when you're angry." Budo grinned as he poked her cheek in a teasing manner. "But nothing beats that surprised look on your face when I grabbed you." 

"Hmph, you're embarrassing me.." Ayano pouted as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Ayano was briefly mesmerized by her handsome Senpai that she just couldn't resist the urge to cling to him.

"Of course, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't~" Budo murmurs with a soft smile. 

Ayano briefly smiled at him but then remembered Info-chan's words from last night. Thats right, Info-chan wanted them gone by midnight. Her smile faltered at this thought and her anxiety began to rise once again. If she didn't stop thinking about it she would surely have a panic attack right there.  

"Ayano? Are you alright." Budo asks as he gazes up at her with concern in his charcoal eyes.  Nothing ever got past him it seems.

This boy was sweet, he supported her stupid relationship with Taro, introduced her to all of his friends and even wanted to celebrate Christmas here with her so she wouldn't be lonely. He was too sweet to kill, he and his friends must be protected.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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