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I heaved a final sigh, preparing myself for the flashes of cameras when I confront my famous mother. If you could call her that...

As I walked through the rush of the airport with my luggag, the clicking of cameras and noise level increased, which meant I wasn't far.

And my hunch was right when I saw my mother posing for each camera while answering minimum questions.

"I heard you daughter is coming to Malaysia today. What's her name? Have you forgiven her? Has she found another 50 year old man?" a man asked and I got to admit, it stung a little. Knowing that the lie was still stuck in their heads worried me a little, because it meant random people following me everywhere, hate on my social accounts. How am I going to deal with this? How do celebrities deal with this?

"Yeah, yeah. She's coming today and I don't remember what her name is.. Catlin? Carly?" she answered and the camera men snickered. My heart fell to my feet and tears glossed my eyes.

She knows my name. Ofcorse she does, she's my mother. She only did that to be funny and believe me when I say it just gave me another reason to hate her.

For a moment, I almost decided to ditch her and find the nearest taxi to my dorm but what do you know, she sees me when I take my first step and waves me over.

All the attention turns towards me and I slowly and awkwardly walk towards the almost half naked woman, who has her hands on her hips. I look from side to side and notice the glares and disgusted looks the people give me. She has this irritated and such a smackable look on her face that I have to restrain myself from beating her up to the point where she apologizes and tells everyone the truth.


"Catherine," I interupted.

"-so nice to see you here," she fakes smiles and gives me air kisses to one side of my head and then the other.

I roll my eyes and step back.

"Just drop me to my dorm so I can live my life in peace. But I doubt that'll happen.." I muttered the last part and she scowled.

"Oh I'll drop you to your dorm, honey. First let's go meet your cousins, shall we?" she was faking the sweetness in front of the cameras and I was literally two minutes away from pulling my hair out in frusteration.

"Cousins? What cousins?" I asked. I really didn't know I had cousins. I was cut off from the world because of this woman.

"Oh, you know. Safaa, Waliyah, Donia and Zayn. And ofcorse your aunt, Trisha. How could you forget?" she said in an oily voice and smiled at another camera.

"I never met them," I stated truthfully and glared at her, not really paying attention to the cameras and the outcome of my pictures in the magazine tomorrow. I was never the photo-genic type.

She gave me a look and shook her head angrily.

"Stop babbling, young woman. Let's go now. We have to be there by lunch," she said and grabbed my arm, taking mini steps towards her fancy car. How does she walk in such a tight dress and high heels? I'd look like a penguin if I tried.

She waved one more time before climbing inside the car, her smile dropping. I huffed and rolled my eyes for no particular reason and climbed in after her.

"You," she said, pointing a finger at me once we were away from the crowd.

"Me?" I asked sweetly and fluttered my eyelashes. I know it annoys her.

"Yes, you. You better behave with me young woman. I'm your mother."

"You don't deserve to be called my mother. A mother doesn't ruin her child's life all for her selfish reasons... and for-"

"Don't you dare say it," she growled and I sunk back in my seat, eyes dropping to my feet.

You could say it was a touchy subject for her.. and no matter what she does to me, I have no right to bring that up.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Just a few awkward glances from the driver and my mom occassionally telling him to stop whistling or turn the radio down. Poor guy.

"We're here!" the man said way too loudly and for a second, I questioned his sanity. Stuck in a car for a whole day with a broken family might have taken it's toll on him.

My mom jolted awake from her little slumber and straightened herself out.

"Come on Carly," she said coldly and got out of the car.

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car.

"It's Cath-" I stopped in my tracks to stare at a black haired boy. He was a masterpiece, I thaught.

Oh god, I really hope he isn't my cousin. I can't date my cousin you know.

I realized what I was thinking and face palmed.

"Why are you face palming, love?" the beau- the boy chuckled and walked towards me.

I didn't realize how tall he was until he was stood right in front of me, my head reaching his shoulders.

"Oh, uh nothing. Just remembered a stupid thing I did in grade 7. You know, my awkward age," as soon as the words left my mouth, I squeezed my eyes shut and mentally face palmed.

Really Catherine?

He tipped his head back while laughing and I mentally patted myself on the back. But taking it back at the thought that he might be laughing at my stupidity.

"Anways, I'm Zayn. You're cousin," he grinned. I almost 'awweedd' at that. Because.. well, he's hot!

I shook my head and extended my hand.

"Nice to meet you Zayn. I'm Catherine," I said. Instead of shaking my hand, he pulled me in for a hug and Damn did he smell good.

I really hope he doesn't catch me sniffing him.

5 seconds into the embrace and I felt a small hand on my stomach, trying to push me.

I broke the hug and saw a little girl with big eyes pushing me and Zayn apart.

"Safaa, what are you doing?" Zayn chuckled at the girl.

"Perrie auntie said that boyfriends are not supposed to hug other girls. And she told me to stop you from hugging her," she said.

"How many times have I told you not to call me 'Auntie'? It makes me feel old!" a girly voice said from behind Zayn.

We both turned to look at her.

And no wonder she was Zayn's girlfriend, she was gorgeous. Blonde hair, blue eyes. I suddenly felt self concious and stepped back.

Her heels clicked as she stomped towards us and gave me a gard glare, crossing her arms when she was right in front of Zayn.

"She's my cousin, Perrie. There's no need to worry..," he sighed.

"I'm supposed to be the possessive and jealous one, but it's always the other way around," he muttered and looked down at his feet as if he were in deep thought.

Perrie narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to say something but she was cut off by an elderly woman.

"Okay, okay. Enough now. Hello, Catherine. I would love to talk but I need Perrie in the kitchen right now. She's a good cook you know and I hate to steal her away from you but some guests are coming over and I need to make dinner and-

Im sorry for not being hospitable, you just came here but I'm just in a hurry and I would love to catch up and talk and stuff but I'm just so busy right now. Zayn's dad never helps me out and he-" she babbled but Zayn cut her off by kissing her on her cheek and bidding her farewell before she dragged Perrie to the house.

I still didn't know her name...

"So, let's go catch up. Shall we?"

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