Untitled Part 1

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Once upon a fairy tail time, there lived a snotty good for nothing goofball.

Said goofball had a friend.

Said friend had a neighbour.

Said neighbour had a cousin.

Said cousin had a senior.

Said senior had a best mate.

Said best mate had a girlfriend.

Said girlfriend had a twin brother.

Said twin brother had a evil godmother.

Said godmother had a police on her tail.

Said police had a son.

Said son was goofball's friend.

Said goofball was snotty good for nothing a-hole.

Had thongs been in fashion 2 milennia ago, said girlfriend would be the Queen of them.

How did goofball know this?


Said girlfriend had an twin brother.

Said twin brother had a evil godmother.

Said godmother had a police on her tail.

Said police had arrested the bestmate.

Said girlfriend had various tactics to release her boyfriend.

Yes it all seems pathetic in the grand scheme of things doesnt it?

Moving on,

You may be wondering what all this lunacy seems to be about? Well I'm wondering the same to be quite honest and let me tell ya I'm not a club member of truth or justice or all that horsecrap spewing two faced shits.

No, I'm quite different as you've just been watching.

I'm proud to say I'm sinister as the Devil

I'm innocent as a baby

I'm guilty as the kettle

I'm pure as white

All is not as it seems

You may think you're a good great person doing the world a huge favor by just existing.


Nobody is.

If you die today, maybe some generation may remember you but unless there is a mouth to convey your memory- yup that is all you are.

You may appear on a piece of paper but thats all is to you when you're six feet in the ground.

What do you think? That the Universe would stop, that Time would pause just because you went and lost your breath?

No dearie

Surely you know much better than me considering the people view me as the snotty good for nothing goofball whereas you are so much more.


A/N: This is so pointless

I don't give two or one or zero shits if this story actually gets any reads-this is just for my entertainment.

For any of you out there who does bother to spend their oh-so-precious time on this, then well what can I say? Interested in sucking my non existing dick? coz I can't for the life of me imagine why you'd bother.

For the morons who bother to leave hate messages you can kiss my uncleaned arse.

For the absolutely brainless dickheads who thought they can get away with pligarising my work- although I do have a love-hate relationship, it is my baby so BEWARE DICKHEADS coz I have contracts with some weird shits who can practically make you have AIDS, shrink your balls or boobs or both, and not limited to breaking all those 216 bones so so sweetly(not).

fuck off :)

loving elf,

Have a horrid day!

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