🌹Welcome Me Home🌹

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Justin's POV,
(Exiting the plane)

The sky is a dark shade of blue as the plane lands, the stars scattered around.. Beautiful. Once we're let off, I grab my carry-on and walk off the plane. Meeting me once I grab my bag.. Is Raegan, my boyfriend.. He has a huge smile on his face when he see's me, even though I've only been gone for about.. A week? I'd say. Longest week ever. "Jay!" He yells, as he runs toward me. I smile and stop walking, knowing that he's gonna just run and pick me up anyway... He does. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Kisses were soon exchanged then.. He tried to get to my neck. "Raegan Alexander!" I gasp, pushing his face away. "You can't do that here." I chuckle. He simply rolls his eyes and kisses my forehead. "Off we go." He smiles.


In the car, I.. Think I fell asleep cause all I really remember is getting in, driving for 5 minutes, then magically being home. Raegan let out out a small sigh before standing up to get out of his car. "Baaabbbeee and you grab my bag.." I groaned, getting up and out of his car. "Of course babe.." He smiled lightly, but.. It quickly faded away.. Is he okay?

     We walk inside and he immediately drops my bag and hugs me. "Fuck, I missed you so much.. It felt like months in only a few days... I missed your cuddles.." He said, it was muffled by him having his head dug into the crook of my neck. I lift up his head slowly, "I missed you too.." I say quietly and kiss him on the forehead. "But I'm here now." I smile. We soon find ourselves on his bed, cuddling, maybe a little kissing here and there..

Raegan's POV

Justin fell asleep in my arms awhile ago, he's.. Honestly the cutest thing when he sleeps. That sounds creepy.. But.. It's in a loving way. I sit on my phone scrolling through insta, looking through the Jaegan hashtag. It makes me happy. 30 or so minutes later of doing that.. Justin begins to toss and turn, it scares me when he does that.. I dunno, it makes me feel like something is hurting him in his little dream realm..

    I gently move one of his legs so it's wrapped around my waist and so his arm is around my torso, he calms down immediately.. I kiss his lips gently and drift off to sleep.


"Rae.." A muffled voice said. "Rae." the voice repeated. I didn't do anything. "RAEGAN BEAST!" It screams and I sit up, hyperventilating because of the burst of noise. Justin sits there with an innocent smile on his face. "Asshole." I mutter, kissing him softly. "Jackass." He says between kisses. "No no, You gotta be nice to me." I pouted, of course that made him just wanna be more of a dick to me. He kisses my neck softly.

    "Welcome me home.."


So like, quack??? Idk honestly Jaegan makes me happy and i need to know what to do in the next chap, oof. Signing off, is your author ~Tatym🌹

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