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Raegans POV

Justin fell asleep around 11:05 while watching Coraline and I'm debating on waking him up. Then, the door opens and Justin flings up. His eyes focus on the figure standing in the doorway for a minute until he utters one word.

"M-mom--" She turns to him with a look of anger. "Hannah." She says, frustration hinting at her eyes. "That's not my-" She interrupts him "Yes, Hannah, that is your fucking name, stop trying to pull this whole 'Im a boy' bullshit with me" She spat, getting slightly louder towards the end. "Get out." He mutters lowly. "Excuse me?" She says, her voice stern. "I said get out!!" Justin screams, throwing a vase that almost hits her. She stands in shock. "Hannah I will not deal with this sort of behavior.. And who's this?" She asks, anger still hinting at her voice. She stares at Raegan. "He's my boyfriend." Jay says bluntly. Her face turns from worry to anger. She opens her mouth but Justin immediately stops her. "If you have a problem with it then I want you to leave and not come back. I think you forgot that this isn't your house this is dad's." Justin says, standing up now. She backs up. The anger still glistening in her eyes. "Oh, and I think you forget that I'm the adult of the situation." She looks back at me. She signals for me to go. I don't move. "Babe call the police, she's trespassing." Justin whispers then continues, "Don't you remember the restraining order that was put on you? To stay away from Dad and I?" Justin snaps. Her face turns pale. "They're on their way.." I whisper into his ear, he nods. "Why are you here even? To harass me??" Justin continued. His mom just stood there not saying anything. A few minutes pass...

The police come through the now open front door, one, grabs Justin's mom and takes her to the car others, asked questions to see if she had done anything. Then left. "Babe.." I say softly walking up to him as he sat on the love seat. He looks up at me with slightly bloodshot eyes... He was crying. "She's right you know... I'm not a boy.. I'll never be a boy.." He trails off. "Babe that's not true, you're a boy in everyway, she's just.. transphobic." I tell him while engulfing him in a hug. "I guess..." He sniffles into my chest. "Je t'aime¹.." I nuzzle his neck. "Je t'aime aussi².." He sniffs.

¹ 'je t'aime' = I love you
² 'je t'aime aussi = I love you too.
Hope you enjoyed 🤔🤔 Signing off is your authorrrr ~Tatym

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