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Raegan's POV
   The morning after Jay got back :)

     I woke up early, 5-ish.. Jay looked.. So peaceful-- of course i didn't want to make him up. So i waited... And.. Waited.. Until my arm fell asleep. "Justinnnn---" I groaned deeply into his ear, causing him to roll over and kick me in the shin. "FUCK." I screeched and fell off the bed, that.. Definitely woke him up, cause after that I heard him squeak. He sits up and laughs lightly, just looking at me and giggling until he couldn't breathe. "You're an ass.." I smirk.

   He lets out a slight hum. "You have a nice ass~" Jay said, biting his lip. "Damn baby boy-- you horny..?" I say quietly, but loud enough he can hear.



I dont hate y'all i promise im just not gonna write smut yet.. Sowwy.


Jay's POV

    "Mph, I love you Rae.." I let out, breathy, falling to his side. He lets out a heavy breath, "I love you too baby boy~" "Shower?" I say, sitting up away from him. "Mph... Sure." He smiles. I run to the bathroom, bare ass naked and just hopped into the shower.

2 or 3 minutes later I feel Raegan's hands slip around my waist. His lips soon finding my shoulder, making his way to my neck. "You're gentle.." I smile. I can tell he smiled to. Soon his lips left my neck, but his hands never left my waist.. His warm hands gently rubbing my sides. God, his touch is amazing.. It's.. Safe. He spins me around so we're facing each other. His hazel eyes finding my green ones immediately. "I love you.." I let out softly. "I love you too baby boy." He smiles.


After the shower🌹


"Rae-Bae come here you ass!!" I groan deeply. He slides off the bed and over to me by the dark oak wooden closet in the corner of the room. "Yes baby..?" "I wanted a kiss.." I sigh lightly. He just smiles and kisses me. A sweet kiss.. He pulls me closer, deepening the kiss. Then, he pulls away. "I love you baby..." He says, his voice quiet and soft. "I.. I love you more.." I reply. "Thank you..



Y'all... Imma kms. Honestly fuckkkk my life.. But here's this... Im broken and shattered but they're cute. Signing off is your author.. ~Tatym💔

A Life With Him ||Jaegan||Where stories live. Discover now