Part 13

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The apartment was small, but it was theirs. It had a single bedroom, a tiny kitchen, no dining room to speak of, and a living room the could barely stretch out in, but it was like paradise to Danny. He called Mandy to let her know he'd gotten in safely, and then he unpacked what few things he had. Steve helped him.

After a dinner of nuked frozen pizza, they curled up on the couch together, under a blanket, to watch TV just because they could. Later that night, they went to bed for the first time as partners living together, and they were both so tired from the move they fell right to sleep in each others' arms.

Morning was a different matter. Danny didn't have a job interview til the afternoon, and Steve didn't have class til eleven. Danny was awakened to a nibbling at his ear, and he grinned, stretched, and murmured, "You can keep doing that."

Steve hugged him closer, and Danny could feel Steve's arousal pressed to his back, which stirred his own. He turned over so he could give Steve a proper kiss on the mouth, and Steve responded with a moan, and his hand sliding down Danny's naked side to his hip. Steve rolled on top of Danny, pinning him, and he kissed him harder.

"I need you," he said in a low, rumbling tone.

"You've got me," Danny said, and he wrapped his arms around Steve, pulling him closer.

Steve was on top, with Danny on his hands and knees. This time, though, he didn't help Danny reach a climax. Instead, he murmured in his ear, "Don't come yet, I've got plans for you."

Danny whimpered with need, but he did as he was told. When Steve finished, he slipped away from Danny and onto his back. Danny laid beside him, giving him a cross look. "You look awfully satisfied," he said while his own body ached for release.

Steve rummaged in the nightstand and produced a condom he tossed onto Danny's belly. Danny snatched it up and read the label. It had the word 'Maximum' in it. He stared at Steve. "You want me to..."

Steve nodded and said, "I've wanted you to since I first saw that monster."

Danny grimaced. "Steve don't encourage it."

Steve laughed and kissed him on the cheek. "You should be proud."

Danny couldn't help it. He laughed. Then he handed Steve the packet and said, "Here, you do the honors."

Steve did, with impressive alacrity, and then he turned onto his stomach. "Don't forget the lube," he said with a slightly nervous laugh. Danny was, after all, a big boy.

"I've got it," Danny said as he picked up the Astroglide. It felt good, putting it on himself, and the sight of Steve beneath him more excited still. "I'll be careful," he said.

"I know you will," Steve said, grinning at him over his shoulder.

Danny took care, and it was a little work to make it happen, but soon, he was enveloped in the sweetest, snuggest velvet vise, and Steve lay beneath him panting and moaning. Danny's imagination couldn't prepare him for how good it felt. He and Steve moved together in concert, and when the bedsprings started squeaking, he didn't even care what the neighbors might think.

He wanted it to last forever, but the waves of pleasure that crashed over him made that impossible. When he couldn't hold back any longer, he gripped Steve close to him, and he kissed his neck as he found his release.


Danny and Steve lay in each others' arms, limbs tangled amidst the sheets. Nothing felt more right than this. "I saw Ben over the break," Danny said, He said he didn't tell. Do you think Xian did?"

Steve shook his head. "Nah, Xian's a brat, but he wouldn't out someone, not even his worst enemy. That's a cardinal sin in his book."

Danny sighed, his brow furrowing. "Then who was it?" he murmured.

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