Chapter 3- OH! For God's sake do it sissy!!

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Chap 3- OH! For God's sake do it sissy!! 

"Oh shit Amy that F**king retard set the house on fire...." Aria screamed from the balcony. Amy rushed to see if what her sister was saying was the truth, and indeed the house had caught fire thanks to the scary black eye guy. 

BANG BANG BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

The weird guy was trying to break down the door and enter inside. "Shit!!! This guy really wants us...where are mum and dad??" wondered Amy, none of this was making sense any more. 

"Chuck your thought process and help me find a way to run..." 

"Don't you see Aria we can't run. He's got us cornered nice and good. Where will we go from this room huh?? Jump out through the balcony??" Amy half screeched in despair. 

She looked at her sister and her lips were turning up in the corners, a grin about to replace her frown. 

"Oh no...over my dead body. I'm not jumping down from..." 

"Of course you are, just let me find out a way to do it," Aria said cutting her off mid-way. 

Aria saw the curtains and it struck her. 

'Perfect' was all she mouthed. With a powerful pull she brought down both her curtains, tied them together and after tying one end to the railing of the balcony she flung the other end outside. Thankfully this part of the house still hadn't caught fire. 

The man was still trying to enter their room the table was starting to move and he would soon enter inside. 

Aria quickly grabbed her wallet that was lying on the table and turned to her sister. "Sis come on this is our only chance. We've gotta run, so we can find out what happened to mum and dad." Amy was brought out of her shock by Aria's voice; "I'm going down first alright. Watch how I do it and then follow. DO YOU UNDERSTAND AMADEA?? WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME," she heard Aria screaming, to which she just nodded. Aria snatched the car keys and stuffed them in her pocket. She then caught the curtain and started going down. She was thankful she had agreed to go to the summer camp last year. Once down she realized that Amy had not even started her descend. "Amy!!" she shrieked scared that something had happened to her sister. Amy put her head out of the balcony. Aria could clearly see on her sister's face that she would never do it as she was afraid of heights. "OH! For God's sake do it sissy!!" she exclaimed, "your life depends on it!!!" 

The door almost opened and that brought Amy back to reality. She mimicked Aria's move and started coming down however in the process tore her dress from the torso. 

Amy reached down and immediately they ran to the car. Getting inside Aria tossed her the keys and the sped away, leaving their burning house behind.

A/n- people a bit of patience, i know dean and sam aren't here. but they will come soon please stick with amy and aria. please vote fan and comment i'd really like to know what you are thinking.


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