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I groaned into the pillow, I just couldn't do it if I let him in his pack will be in danger and I don't want that, I rather do this alone then get help because if I drag them in my messed up life their lives will be in danger.

My eyes watered as I thought about my mate he probably wants to reject me now, I wouldn't blame him, if I was him I'd reject me, I did run away from him and I did leave him there without an explanation, but I jusy can't get his smoldering electric blue eyes out of my head, it just captures me wanting me to jump him right there and then and when he touched me it was like fire trailing across my skin.

I sighed and looked at the ceiling, I brushed my hair out of my face before turning to my clock on the nightstand it was 11 30 almost midnight and I still can't sleep, I went and took a long hot shower that heated up my skin, after I finished I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Fingers trailed down my cheeks, a chastised kiss was placed right below my ears and a shiver ran through my hot body, they fingers stopped right under my chin and kissed my jaw gently before it disappeared into the dark night.

I woke up touching my cheeks and my jaw i sniffed the air and there was no scent,  What the hell? I walked faster to the bathroom and looked at my cheeks and jaw, I was smiling like a crazy clown who just got to juggle an elephant, my heart hammered against my chest as touched my cheeks I shivered.

Shaking my head to clear the thoughts I went to the shower and took a long time before I cleared my mind of him and right now I'm feeling happy, I changed into my clothes and I decided to take my BMW and buy an Audir8 it would be an awesome car and I'd be able to rave across the country.

My BMW was soon delivered to the house while I rode my new Audir8 it was blood red and had a killer black dragon snaking across it, I smirked and rode down the streets it seems that little amount of people are out today,  I glanced at my calendar and as I looked closely today would be the full moon, so the pack was probably having a lock down since they go wolf and tear the whole town apart, I got out of my car as soon as I parked outside the pack house.

It looked empty and silent, everything was turned off, I was about to turn and leave when the door opened and suprise suprise it was my mate, his hair messy and his eyes dropping he looked at me blankly until it opened fully, he pulled me inside and pushed me against the wall nuzzling into the crook of my neck, I tried pushing him away Keyword:Tried but the huge Alpha wouldn't even budge.

I sighed "Alpha Cross." I said he growled angrily and looked at me " Darien. " He said, I looked at him confused until I caught up to what he said Darien was his name "Okay Darien mind getting of me?" I asked nicely, he shook his head and nuzzled back into my neck "Please..."  I said once again, and again he shook his head as a sign of saying no, he started kissing up my neck and sucked it vigorously,  I moaned that was sure to leave a purple hickey.

He kissed up my jaw "Darien.." I moaned, he growled and pushed away from my neck and attacked my mouth with his, he grabbed my hands and pinned it above me and continued kissing me, shit if he keeps kissing me I'm gonna go into a heat 4 weeks after but since he's a powerful alpha its only 2 weeks, I'll have to ignore him.

"Darien please." I begged him as his tongue traveled down to my neck and he licked all over before he started sucking as if marking me as his so, males will know to stay away from me I moaned louder and this time I noticed we had moved across and I was laid across on the couch wjile he sucked my neck.

I dug my hands into his luscious brown hair, and brought his face closer to mine and crashed my lips on his, I heard him groan and he kissed me harder and more passionately,  he pulled away breathless like I am, "Do you want me?" He asked looking nervous, I nodded my head.

"I wanted you the moment I saw you baby." I said, he looked at me all the nervousness vanished "Then why did you walk out on me?" He asked sadly, I pecked his lips before saying "I'm sorry but I really can't drag you into my messy life, I wasn't going to reject you just tell you to be with someone else someone who won't get you killed, I'm sorry." I said as my eyes watered, he growled and kissed away my fallen tears.

He held my chin to look at him "I know your sorry but I'm your mate I'd die just to save, I would do anything for you even if its to buy you an island I would do it in a second." He said and growled before claiming my lips and pushing my back down on the couch.

I closed my eyes and let him wonder, I felt myself being picked,  I was to caught up in the kiss to notice anything, all I could feel was his tongue and mine battling for dominance,  he won and sucked my tongue,  I moaned and whimpered, my back hit a soft surface and my mate crawled on top of me.

"Darien. " I moaned, the door slammed open and Darien covered me by throwing a sheet over my hand, I hid under the covers "What?!" Darien growled at the person clearly mad, I peeked my head up and saw Darien glaring at the man.

"S-sir B-beta wants you." The man said probably scared shitless, I hit Darien's arm and he turned towards me his whole face softening "Be nice." I whispered to him, he groaned and waved his hand at the man at the door "Darien don't be mean." I scolded him, he chuckled and kissed my forehead before standing up and grabbing a new t shirt, that hugged his 8 pack tightly, I swear I drooled a bit.

He kissed me one last time before winking and leaving me, I sighed and thought 'The hell I'm sleeping.' I drifted off my mind blank as I went into my dreamless slumber.


My arms were wrapped around a body when I woke up, I looked at the person I'm trapped between,  I stared at Darien's sleeping figure so peaceful, his face was blank and he wrapped his arms around me tightly, I trailed my fingers down his muscular chest, I was caught up and didn't notice the intense stare on my hands, he grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips kissing each finger gently.

I giggled "Good evening baby." I said, he grabbed my other hand and kissed it making me giggle again as it tickled, I sighed and dug my other hand into his luscious chocolate hair, I was jealous his hair was soft and untangled, he wrapped his arms around me.

"Hi baby girl." He said tiredly,  he closed his eyes and I soon followed after him falling asleep in the arms of the man I was destined to be with and nothing will tear us apart, my hands and legs tangled with his as we drifted off to our own slumber.


"Sunshine watch out." My mother said as I jumped out the tree hitting the other branch on my way down, she made her way over to me and helped me up I kissed her cheek and she smiled "I said watch out, now come your father wants to see you. " She said kissing my forehead as she led me back to my father.

I ran to him and jumped in his arms,  he chuckled and kissed my forehead "Hi baby girl." He said, I kissed his forehead and I relaxed into his arms.

My mom sat down next to us and wrapped her arms around the both of us, she smiled sadly and said "Honey you know the ancient prophecy, right ?" She said, I knew it, every supernatural creature knows it by heart as it is a store passed down by generations, but nobody knows the real story unlike the high, respected people who's families have kept it for a long time.

So say the prophecy is about the one boy/girl saving the whole world from extinction from her uncles evil hands, I hated how the said that the girl/boy died,  they'd stay happy until few days later they will be partying, it sickens me how some supernatural beings us their powers for the wrong reason, to get more money or hoes, if you have a mate its its much more better to have a mate because you two will live with each forever and have children.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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