Chapter Thirty Eight

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Dedication: Couture2540 for the awesome cover! Thank you!


"Who's that?" Becca asks me and I stare down at the wedding invite, stunned.

"Miles' father," I murmur.

"No shit?" Finn asks, peering around my shoulder.

"You have one, too," mum says, passing over the invite. "We all do."

We all share a look with each other.

This is going to be interesting.


As I walk up the driveway towards Miles' share house, the sun beats down onto my skin and I tilt my head back. My hair is wrapped in a loose bun on the top of my head, allowing the humid air and the heat of the sun to brush my face.

I sweep my eyes over the overgrown lawn, where four cars and Miles' motorbike are spread messily across it. I recognise Damon's truck and Emily's Mazda. The other two vehicles I have never seen before.

Like always, the front door is ajar. I step inside and am engulfed with hipster music blaring from one of the speakers in the lounge room and a stench of stale cigarettes in the musky air. I make my way down the hallway quickly, trying to move as fast, but as quiet as possible.

I arrive at Miles' door with no incidents and step inside without knocking. Miles is perched at his splintered desk, one of his long legs scooped under him, the other folded to his chest, his chin resting on his knee. He has a blue bio in his left hand, as he jots something down onto a piece of paper.

Wordlessly, I wander over to him and wrap my arms around his neck. He jumps and snaps his head up. A relieved look floods his face as he meets my eyes. He kisses my hand softly, grazing his teeth across my thumb.

"Hi," he smiles.

"Hey. What are you working on?" I ask him.

"That stupid English assessment," he sighs and pushing back from the desk, leaning his head onto me. "I could use a distraction."

He quickly spins and hoists me up. He throws me back onto his bed and I let out a squeal. He collapses on top of me, tickling my sides. I begin to squirm underneath him, letting out a series of giggles.

Suddenly, his warm lips are on mine. I tangle my arms around his neck as his fingers graze the exposed skin on my hip. They move together fluidly and he hooks his thumb around the belt notch on my denim shorts.

"I booked the cabin," he tells me quietly, in between kisses. "You and me. This Friday night."

"Okay," I whisper up to him, a goofy, blissful smile etched across my face. "I can't wait."

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