Chapter 7

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Alexander's POV
I'm genuinely shocked. News about me and John's date has spread to more than half of the school. Not to mention enough rumors to fill all seven oceans.
"Hey Alexander, is it true that you and John had sex?" A girl in a tight red dress whom I've never spoken to in my life asked.
"What? No? Me and John went on a date, but we didn't even kiss." I blushed embarrassed. Why do people care about my sex life? It's none of their business.
"Oh." The girl went back to her school work leaving me just a tad annoyed. And if you guys are wondering, no, we did not... do the do.... John took me to a cute 50's diner and then drove me home. It was very nice and I had a good time. Oh and I forgot to mention that he kissed my cheek when he dropped me off. That was probably the highlight of my entire life. When the finial bell rang I went to my locker to get my things. I was greeted by my lovely friends, and boyfriend. Wait can I consider John my boyfriend? I've never been on a date before(don't ask, let's just say that throughout my life I either didn't have the time or my foster parents weren't okay with me dating) so I have no idea if we're dating now.
"H-hey John!" I began blushing. Goddamnit stop bushing!!!!
"Soooo we heard a few things floating about the school..." Peggy hummed with a smirk. I blushed harder.
"No me and Alex didn't have sex, we went on a date." John said simply. How does he say the things he says with such ease and confidence???
"Well that's not nearly as interesting." Peggy snickered.
"Still interesting though! How did the date go mes amis?" Lafayette asked happily.
"It was very nice." I smiled shyly.
"Sooo dating, yes or no?" Eliza asked smirking. John shrugged.
"Alex will you be my boyfriend?" I blushed harder.
"YES! I-I mean yeah sure." I coughed rubbing my arm. John smirked wrapping his arm around my waist. This is honestly the best thing that could happen to me.
"You know we should celebrate! John already told us where you lived so let's hang out there!" Eliza said happily. Wait John told them where I lived? Okay... that's not that weird I suppose...

Washington's POV
I paced my office before throwing my pen at the wall. This mother f*cker. I stared at the note that this psychopath left taped to my sons bedroom door. Alex luckily didn't notice it. I would hate for this bastard to scare him like that.... I grabbed the letter and read it over again.

'Dearest Agent Washington,
You have quite a nice home, and let me say that you have such a lovely family! Speaking of which, it appears that your son, Alexander correct? Is having such a nice time at YorkTown High! It's very good to see that he's enjoying living here. You were thinking of adopting him right? I mean if I were you I would. It would honestly be quite a shame if something terrible happened to him. Well anyway I just stopped by to check in on that little deal I proposed, you have eight more weeks to make your decision.'

That f*cker can threaten me all they want, but I draw the line when they threaten my family. Should I resign? But I'm just so close to catching this bastard! Eight more weeks to make my decision they say. I guess I'll just have catch this freak in eight weeks then.

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