It Was Supposed To Be Me! (AkaKuro)

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WEEEEE! Someone requested for a AkaKuro! I ship these two! <3 >////<

WARNING: This is shounen-ai... I think XD don't like it don't read it. I warned ya. *insert creepy face here* XD


A red head on his mid-twenties entered the cemetery carrying a bouquet of white roses.

He stopped in fornt of a certain someone's grave. It read Kuroko Tetsuya. He placed the bouquet on the grave. His memories to what happened two years ago was still fresh as if it just happened yesterday.


"Fine! Do what you want!" someone roared. Apparently the roar came inside the apartment where a certain read head and teal head lived and was in a relationship since high school. The two have been living together since they graduated the university. "Akashi-kun, wait!" the red head ignored it and stormed outside the apartment leaving the teal head alone. 


The red head walked and walked not caring if he bumped to strangers. He wanted to cool his head down. But then the clouds darkened and later on heavy rain poured. But the red head didn't cared at all. He just wanted to cool his head down.


Inside the apartment a teal head kept on pacing around. Its been two hours since the red head stormed out of the apartment. Then suddenly clouds started to darkened and later on it was followed by a heavy rain. The teal head fastened his pacing until he can't take it anymore and quickly got dressed. 

After getting dressed he brought two umbrellas before heading out. He made sure he locked the apartment securely.


Back on the red head, he is still walking aimlessly. Until he heard someone call his name. "Akashi-kun!" he turned and saw the teal head running towards him. He decided to fastened his pace the teal head barely catching up with him. "Akashi-kun!" he ignore the call and continued to fasten his pace. Until he heard a loud honk coming from a truck. He turned around. And a large truck is coming on his way. At that time, it seems that his world stopped. "Akashi-kun!" he heard someone yelled. He turned and saw the teal head running towards him. Before he knew it he was pushed away.

He opened his eyes to see if was dead yet. But no, instead on the road lies a motionless boy with blood pooling around his body. "N-No..." he quickly stood up and ran to the teal head side. He cradled him to his arms. "N-no...!" The red head cried as he hugged the bloodied body of his beloved. "SOMEONE CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!" he roared and some concerned citizens quickly get their phones and called to a nearby hospital asking for help.

Few minutes later a ambulance arrived. The paramedics quickly hopped off the ambulance and put Kuroko in a stretcher. "C-can I come?!" Akashi asked in panic. One of the paramedic looked at him before he nodded his head.


They were already inside the ambulance. Akashi sat there silently clutching Kuroko's left hand silently praying to all gods and deities he know. After a few minutes or so they finally arrived at the hospital. They were brought to the emergency room were nurses and doctors quickly rushed to their aid. Akashi gripped at Kuroko's hand saying "I order you to live, Tetsuya!" while tears falling down on his cheeks.

Kuroko shakily raised his bloodied hand to caress Akashi's cheek. Kuroko smiled and next happened where like happening in slow motion as the nurses rolled Kuroko away.


Its been hours since Kuroko was being treated in the emergency room. The anxiety is killing Akashi.




He heard four different voices call his name. He turned and saw Kise, Aomine, Midorima and Murasakibara jogging towards him. His eyes widened.

"W-What happened?" Kise asked. Akashi can't answer. Aomine was about to ask the same thing when one of the doctors went out of the emergency room, Akashi quickly ran.

"H-How is Tetsuya?!" The doctor looked at Akashi with sad eyes. 


"We're sorry... we did everything that we can't do but..." 

Before the doctor can finish what he is saying Akashi already walked out of the scene with tears falling silently. (Wow! The walk out queen! LOL! Sorry, go back to reading and don't mind this XD)


"I-I'm sorry, Tetsuya... It was supposed to be me but...! If we hadn't argued over a stupid thing then...! I'm so sorry! It was supposed to be me who should be there underground dead but you...!"

Unknown to him the spirit of a teal-head boy is lurking around Akashi looking at him with sad eyes.


A/N= OMG! I finally finished it! Here's your request @SmnthaFaye! I hope you like it! I apologize if there are any errors and/or if this chapter is not good enough ^^


I do not own Kuroko no Basuke. I own this chapter's plot though.

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