That Idiot..! (KiKasa)

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Please remember that before going on, Kise and Kasamatsu already graduated from university, Kise works as a full time model while Kasamatsu as a manager in a company...


A beeping of machine echoed throughtout the whole room.


"Yukio." A certain blond whispered as he caressed a certain raven-haired man's cheek."R-Ryouta..."

"I brought food!" the blond said with fake enthusiasm.

"T-thanks..." the raven-haired man replied weakly.

After eating, Kasamatsu slept soundly a the bed while Kise looked at him with a sad expression. Kise placed a gentle kiss on Kasamatsu's forehead before leaving the room.


Kise was stood by the vending machine a can of hot coffee on his hand. He took a sip and sighed. "Kise-san!" Kise turned to the source of the voice and saw a nurse running to him. "K-Kise-san! Kasamatsu-san, he..!" Kise's eyes widened in shock and horror. "W-What's happening?!" Kise asked in panic. "T-There was a sudden change in Kasamatsu-san's condition, and the doctor needs to speak with you. Please come with me." Kise threw the can to the trashbin and sprinted away with the nurse barely keeping up with him.

When they reached the place where Kasamatsu was, Kise stopped running and saw Midorima.

"Midorimacchi! What's happening?!" Midorima adjusted his glasses. 

"I am not going to beat around the bush, the truth is Kasamatsu-san's heart is failing. We can't do anything about it."

It seemed like the world stopped, Kise felt that his legs are starting to turn jelly. His arms felt like lead. He just stared at Midorima with jaw dropping. But Kise's shock was quickly replaced by anger and frustration. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HIS HEART IS FAILING?! YOU'RE A DOCTOR! DO SOMETHING!!" Kise shouted as he lifted Midorima by the collar. "Doctors are not gods, Kise." However, Kise's grip on his collar only tightened. "K-Kise-san!" the nurses panicked as they tried to calm the blond down. 

Kise finally let go Midorima as tears began to sprung his eyes. Midorima on the other hand readjusted his clothes. 

"Actually," Kise's ears quickly perked up. "there is one more way to save him."

"What is it?"

"A heart transplant." there was a total silence. The nurses shifted uncomfortably. "Unfortunately, we don't have a heart to use..."

"Use mine." Kise said with a determined look. Midorima was taken aback so does the nurses.

"Kise, that's-!" Kise cut Midorima off.

"As long as Yukio survive... please..." Midorima sighed.

"Are you sure about this?"


"Very well then..."


Kasamatsu opened his eyes. He blinked until his eyes came to focus. "W-What happened..?"

"Yukiocchi!" he turned his head to the side and saw a blond sitting on a chair. "You're awake!" the blond smiled and hugged Kasamatsu. Kasamatsu got irked and spanked the blond in the head.

 "Let go ya, moron!" 

"How mean-ssu!" the blond cried as he massaged the part where Kasamatsu hit him. 

"Stop acting so childish!" the blond giggled. Kasamatsu groaned in irritation. But then something soft landed on his forehead. Kasamatsu's eyes widened. 

"I'm going to go buy something on the vending machine!" with that the blond left the room.

Kasamatsu sighed as he closed his eyes. And then the door opened. "Oi, Ki-" Kasamatsu cut himself off when he saw Midorima instead. 

"Hello, Kasamatsu-san."

"Hello to you too, Kise just went out to buy something on the vending machine." Midorima coughed and adjusted his glasses.

"Is something wrong?" Midorima handed him a piece of paper. "What is th-" his eyes widened whe he read the contents of the paper.

I guess by the time you read this I'm already gone... meh that sounds dramatic XD

But really its true! Midorimacchi said that your heart was failing and you'd die and I don't want that! >^< So I gave you my heart... lol that sounds like it came straight from a romance novel XD

Mwehehehe I don't really have anything to say here so... keep this picture of me and you, because I bet you'll miss me and my sexy bishie body XD

I love you, Kasamatsu-senpai. <3

Kise Ryouta

P.S. You should keep this letter with my signature in it because some fangirls are dying just to get my signature XD

Kasamatsu looked and there was a photo of him and Kise smiling. Tears fell from his eyes as he clutched the paper. "That idiot..!"


 A/N= Okay... so yeah that's it... I was supposed to post this on my birthday but then I might not be able to post it on my birthday since I have lots of extracurricular activities at school soooo....

Anyway, here you go, @Torishii! I hope you liked this one-shot XD also to you my other readers! I hope you guys also enjoyed XD

I apologize if there are any errors and/or if this one-shot is not good enough.


I do not own Kuroko no Basuke, it belongs to Fujimaki Tadatoshi. I only own the fanfiction's plot.

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