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Okay so I was reading through the other thing and I was like, ya know what? This rock is important to me so it gets it's own origin story hell yea here we go ruck origin story.

BASicakky this little rock was guven to me by one of mu friends last year, let's call them... idk fuckin... Mark let's call them mark.  Anyways so mark came up to me and he gave me this little rock that's not much i mean it's just a little rocky dude and i'm just lije that's neat and I put it in my pocket. Cool cool whatever it's a rock. This was in middle school so it's just like neat a rock bc idk 8th grade was weird. Anyways so i'm going to art next and it's whatever but i have some assholes in my class so ya know they're annoying me about shir and i'm just kind of annoyed but i'm dealing with it.

Eventually this one asshole starts getting to me. Fun fact when shit starts getting to me I like to twirl things in my hand so i have something else to focus on, so i reach into my pocket and i whip out this rock that Mark gave me. The asshole sees it and he backs off, saying something about not wanting me to throw it at him. Jokes on you asshat I was trying not to cry. But yea from that day this rock has been called, in a simple sense, my anxiety rock. Whenever I've felt anxious or upset I grabbed the rock and twirled it until I was more calm.

But yea that rock has been with me for a while I love this little shit it's very helpfuk and it has a little lip on it that's perfect for twirling like this rock is great. There was a point to this somehwere... OH FUCK RIGHT

ANYWays so basically I've had this rock for a whike and I almost always have it on me in my leather jacket pocket which I wear basically everywhere. SO Obvuously i brought it to the Seussical rehearsals as well bc I wear my jacket all the time so ofc it's gonna be at the rehearsals too. Duh. Anyways we're running through the show this one day and things are Bad. Like. Real bad.

It's the first time wirh a ton of costumes and costume changes so we're doing shit and stuff's not going right. For example i'm the first (and for a while the only) person ready to go out for a song after a quick change happens in between two songs because everyone else forgot or didn't realize how little time we actually had. We didn'r stop tho, so the entrances were really staggered in It's Possible. You probably don't know what song that is. Oh well. But yea that's bad we're not doing great, then iguess other people missed entrances during the act one finale, and the directors were SUPER PISSED. Like pissed to the extreme. Like he sent the little kids out, and he fucking Bashed us. He was talking about he knew who was trying and who wasn't and that he could tell because of x y and z but honestly it felt like he was tlaking about you individually. Like. He was talking and it made you rethink everything that you'd ever done wrong at any rehearsal at any time or anything that you ever missed it was just shitty. This went for ten minutes and then he gave us the ten minute break for intermission.

Shit i'm getting anxious/sad thinking about this

Thanks dude

But he calls us off and i am fucking gone like i kept thinking back to the two practices I missed or the times i was too loud, and my mind was just screaming at me "get the rock. Get the rock. Get The Rock. GEt THe ROck. GET THE ROCK." So when the director shut up (That's a mean way to put it but I mean he talked for ten minutes) I fucking rushed over there because holy fuck that was really scary and I didn't want to go through that again. Nah. No thanks. Nope.

So I get to the dressing room before everyone else, and I find my jacket and my rock and I started just twirling the rock in my hand, calming down a bit. But more people come in, some in tears and others supporting those in tears. So, after looking around, i take my rock and I start going out, and i go into the wings.

Back there no one is crying but it's pretty somber. Someone who I respect a ton like an actual ton he's one of my favorite people was in the corner with his head down just focusing. I'd seen him do it befire so I wasn't to surprised but still. So i'm just in the middle area pacing around while twirling my little rock around. While doing this, John (you know him from before) noticed me from where he was sitting across the wings. So, he kind of beckoned me over and asked me what I was doing.

At this point I don't care if i sound strange so i tell him, "I'm spinning a rock in my hand" to which he asks me why. I explained that it was my anxiety rock, that it helped me calm down when i was really stressed, and basically that's all I said. He looked kind of concerned, and asked me if I was alright and I just kind of shrugged, because who knows. After this he gets up adn he just pulls me into a hug. I appreciate that, ya know? I needed that hug. He gave a nice hug too, it was good. Not as good as this other dude who gives amazing hugs but I mean it was a hertfelt hug and I appreciated it.

But yea we stop hugging and then John was ust kind of walking out on stage towards where the audiance would sit if this were an actual show and bc I am who I am i followed him and whatever. So we were walking over and I went over to the chairs and I sat down and I left a spot for him because that's what friends do. HE comes over a little bit later and he passes me some candy he had and I'm like hell yea candy and he's like yea. But we were just kind of sitting, the entire thing was kind of somber in a way, bc ya know everyone felt like shit after the director was super pissed at us. Eventually we had to go back up and get ready for act two and I was like okay yea so we walked back and we ran through shit that was fun. 

The thing is tho he actually remembered the rock. That on it's own means a lot to me bc not only did he remember it but like he also kind of knew what it meant too. 

BASICALLY we were all in the green room before the show started because we were hanging out and it was right befor we started on our second day. Okay not right before we started but it's like pretty soon before we started, ya know? Anyways I was nervous bc my grandparents are in the audience and I wanna make them proud of me bc they're really cool and wahtever but yea I'm feeling anxious so I'm spinning my rock. He's near by and he sees me doing it and he just kind of points to it and he's like "It's your rock" and I nodded bc, yea, good job, it is my rock.

He looked kind of concerned and was like "are you alright" and I was like "yea no I'm fine it's just my grandparents are out there so I'm nervous" or something like that I may have said less I don't remember. But yea he kind of nodded and gave me a small smile before continuing on. The show goes on, my rock is safe, and all is well.

But yea the rock is very important to me and I like it a lot. ALso John is a good frined. That's it that's the lesson. Rocks are neat and John's a good friend.

THe end.