I forgot to title this when i published this... uh.. Lauren Sides okay sure

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SO I've been watching the sanders sides a lot recently and now I'm kind of thinking about like waht if i had different sides? waht would they be? and honestly it's fun so i'm just kidn of like yea sure why not this is fun.

FIRSTOFF we gotta hvae something about my brains, like logic but idon't want to steal logic as a character. But at the same time I'm your generic nerdy smart kid so having a side like taht would be very smart. haha smart. I'm clever. know what this side is hard to think of i'll deal with it later

Lets move on to another one...um... i like music... that could be something... or I mean i also like space but that wouldn't really be it's own si- PASSION! THINGS THAT I'M PASSIONATE ABOUT! MY WANT TO EXPLORE DIFFERENT THINGS! I'M A FUCKING GENIUS.

Okay so we got passion. They're like, my interests, my inspiration, and my dreams. that's a really basic/generic summary but I think it sounds good. 

I managed to get distracted by a sanders sides video and forgot waht I was doing.. Oh yea okay anyways, we got passion, who else we need...

Oh no what if passion is too overarching bc like now i'm thinking of other stuff but it fits into passion.. well i mean i'm only thinking of my interests. maybe that's the problem... yea no that's the problem... EMPATHY

That seemed unrelated, but like i had that thought then so i mean why make this different from what goes on in my mind. I mean honestly these things are 95% unedited (I fix some mistakes but most remain) and i write as I think, so why would I change the format to something diffferent than how my brain works. anyways, empathy. okay sso how did I get here.

I figured that, I am the friend that a lot of people go to for advice and help, and I would not be the first nor the last person to say that I'm a very emotional person. I care too much about everything, and I feel like that's a part of me MAYBE FOCUS COULD BE THE OTHER ONE okay anyways I am frequently giving advice to my friends whenever they ask and I like to think that I'm a shoulder to cry on for those who need it. I'm a very empathetic person and I support my frineds a lot. Or I try to. Yea. I care too much. So empathy seems like a side that I would have. 

Anyways back to the focus thing. It seems ironic since I literally got distracted while doing this but hey hear me out okay? okay cool. I got distracted again but it was moreso for inspiration now so I'm not counting it. but yea focus is something that I thought kind of summed up the side of me that is very information focused, the part of me that gets projects done and to work on things that I want to do... but now that I think about it focus isn't really a good one. plus they'd never be able to say focus without someone getting confused. that'd be annoying. My brain isn't that dumb. I had another idea while reading the other thing but I can't remember what it is. Clearly that side shouldn't be called memory. 

Okay i'm back bc i couldnt' find information on the things that I was trying  to look for. Those comments that are always like "I figured out my sides because of you, i would have..." and continues to list off their own personal sides and information. The only one I remember had autism as one of their sides and that's the only one I remember. I don't fully remember what it was though so oh well I guess. hmmmmm maybe intel? like intellect or intelligence? That would be interesting, it would be knowledge I have and would also encompass my... maybe i should have a side that has opinoons.. actually empathy could probably handle that.. anyways intel could be my more serious side and knowledge-oriented side. The side of me that loves to work and pushes me forward towards thing I want to do. The thinking side of me, that works a bit too hard sometimes. It does work, though. I have to give it to them. 

I think I should have one like, distaste or dislike. Not hatred, because I feel like that is too far but I mean dislike/distaste would fit very well for, well, what I'd probably end up using it for. Like, self esteem, dislike would come into play, or maybe distrust would work because I don't trust when my friends say things to me like "I don't hate you". um... hm. maybe intel shouldn't directly be the thinking side of me... like okay thinking yes ubt I mean like overthinking. Trying to hard to understand what's going on inside my head, the overdrive that I get into. Like, Intel is thinking, but this other side is what drives me to overthink everything I'm told by my friends/family. Passion is me caring about the things that I love like music or OIT COULD BE DOUBT.

Because doubt is what causes me to not trust what my friends tell me, to not believe that I'm beautiful, to be sure that I won't be successful in music, that I don't deserve the friends that I have, that I'm not good enough. Doubt. Yep. that's it. Doubt. I like that. Not my doubt, but like I like the fact that I have a little title for them now. that's right fuck you doubt. Not really. We could probably be buds

if yoy stopped being sucha  bitch to me all the time. let me have friends. let me love myself. I'm really trying but you're really making it a bit more difficult. chill. Intel, get her in line. Empathy will probably just relate she seems sweet, and I mean who knows what Passion is doing. probably stargazing. it's 1:30, so I mean i can't stop that. But yea. this was fun. thanks. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)