01 ; " two different people "

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photo source ;  https://pin.it/uzwlchvypa4wk2

normal verse 

Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku were two different people. Bakugou Katsuki was an heir of a very successful company. He was smart, attractive, fluent in a lot of languages, knew a lot of things outside science and math, he was sporty, body well-built, he was perfection... but he had a very stingy attitude, he never shows any form of respect towards his parents (or anyone for that matter) when it comes to verbally speaking with them, his patience was very thin that it would snap at the slightest mistakes. He was very manipulative and he loved degrading people even for no reason, and oh, also he loved to curse; it was like his sentence would never be complete if there was not a single speck of curse word or insult... god help whoever heard him speak without any form of profanities. He was loud, annoying... name it all! Everyone feared him, he aimed to manage and make the company the best of the bests. He wanted to be number one, but he never stepped on anyone just to raise himself up. All he had done so far was out of his own hard work.

Midoriya Izuku was nothing like Bakugou Katsuki. He was frail, he was scared of so many things, he was emotional, he was weak physically, mentally, and emotionally. He was feeble and wasn't rich unlike Bakugou Katsuki. Midoriya Izuku lived in a small apartment with his mother, Midoriya Inko, in Tokyo. But Midoriya was kind, he was gentle, he was nothing like Bakugou Katsuki when it comes to attitude. The freckled teen was generous, he was always willing to help no matter what, no matter the situation. He never gave up, he was always optimistic. In terms of kindness, Bakugou Katsuki was nothing like Midoriya Izuku.

These two knew each other since they were very little. One could say they've known each other since diapers, but they never really got along... well, the relationship began to strain when Bakugou became recognized a lot for his skills. The blonde began to become more and more popular and liked and because of that, he changed... quite a lot. The kind Bakugou Katsuki became the mean Bakugou Katsuki he was now. Arrogant, selfish, mean Bakugou Katsuki. He started picking on Midoriya even more even when they began to grow old. Bakugou would often beat him up because he was pissing him off.

"That's why you're Deku, you can't do anything.", he said.

But Midoriya Izuku believed that he can do a lot of things. He believed that even though he wasn't as rich as Bakugou, wasn't as skilled, wasn't as cool as him, he could do something! But fantasy was it all, reality was hard to face, and Midoriya, for the first time in forever, gave up on doing something that could change everything. He gave up, he lost hope.

And then, one day, Midoriya Izuku disappeared. Without a note, without a letter.

He disappeared without a trace, not even his own mother knew of his whereabouts.

When Bakugou first heard of the news, he scoffed and said, "Finally, he realized that he was not needed in this world." but as the days passed him by, he started to have this strange urge to look for the latter, to check if he was alright... He started to have this disgusting feeling, the disgusting desire to see him again. He waited for who knows how long, probably a year now, or two, he couldn't remember. Still, the same, frail, feeble Deku wasn't anywhere near him. He stopped coming to his work, he stopped calling, texting, god, his phone was unreachable! Bakugou, day by day, was getting even more pissed. Where the fuck is fucking Deku!?

"Old hag!" Bakugou called in one time to his mother, who then responded with a yell of, "What the fuck did you just call me, you shitty brat!?"

Embarrassing it may be, but their parents never really knew of their strained relationship, all they knew is that Izuku and Katsuki get along very well, "Where the fuck is Deku!?" He asked, voice rough and loud as usual. Bakugou's mother, Mitsuki, stopped getting angry for a while, her creased eyebrows calming and she sighed, "I have no idea." She said, crossing her arms, returning to the worrywart she was.

"Inko said that kid hasn't been texting her, she was really worried and was crying to me." She added, sighing again, and closing her eyes, "If you've happen to see him anywhere, will you please tell his mom? He's got her worried really bad."

No good, huh... Bakugou wondered to himself and left his mother along to ponder.


"You... WHAT!?" Bakugou Katsuki could not fucking believe this. Crimson eyes wide as saucers, he almost broke the glass he was holding. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT!?" He was in utter disbelief,  anger boiling to the highest peak and only Midoriya could make him feel that angry.

Mitsuki, along with her husband, Masaru, was seated right in front of their child as they were all eating lunch. "What the fuck, old hag, this is bullshit!"

"Katsuki, watch your profanity!" Masaru scolded and for a second, Katsuki felt a twinge of fear and backed down in his seat, "Why would I do that? What does it have to do with the company?" The child asked, crossing his arms now and mentally restraining himself from kicking something until it was unrepairable. Mitsuki spoke in a quiet voice, looking away, and Katsuki knew both his parents never agreed to do it anyway.

He knew right away who decided this fucking thing: His fucking grandmother.

"We tried to convince her that you wouldn't like that decision but she insisted that we should do it for the betterment of the company." Masaru, this time, spoke, his voice calm and steady. "We are really sorry, son, we couldn't do anything to stop her."

"I know you don't like being ordered to do something, especially when there's no options..." Mitsuki added, a forlorn look across her eyes, "We're sorry we couldn't do anything to defend your freedom."

Katsuki fell silent; it was the first time he had seen his mother like this, a look of regret and sadness in her eyes. Usually, she'd have a glint of mischief in them, but this was different. Katsuki clenched his fists and lowered his head.

If being an heir and aiming to be the best means losing freedom, he said, then, I don't want to be an heir anymore.


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