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"Baekhyun!"Nichkhun called out "what?"he simply answered
"Are you going out today?"Nichkhun Asked him "nah,i'd like to stay at home for a meanwhile"Baek replied "seriously?! Well then call me if you need anything" Nichkhun said and left..Baekhyun decided to go to the rooftop since his next class is boring..

At the rooftop

A girl named Kim Taeyeon sitting there while listening to music,when Baekhyun arrived there and notice Taeyeon "What the hell are you doing here" Baekhyun said Irritated "mind your own business" Taeyeon Replied "How dare-" before Baekhyun Finishes his sentence Taeyeon wore her Earphones and laid down "aish this girl-"Baekhyun Thought then She started singing..That time baekhyun almost left but he stayed and listened "who are you?" Baekhyun asked "T"taeyeon replied and turned around to cover her face and left,baekhyun tired to run after her but she disappeared "i didn't get to see her face.."Baekhyun thought but he saw her Eyes "Her eyes.."
"Baek!" Nichkhun called out.."what are you doing here baek" He asked and drag baekhyun out and went at the school Stage "dude your back,the bands its about to start" Chen said "yeah" Baekhyun replied "Next Performer Girl's Generation!" The mc said and the girls went on the stage "Hello We are Girls generation" they said "Hello Im Seohyun!" The maknae said "Hello im Hyoyeon the dancer" she said "Im Sunny" said the small one "Hello Im Tiffany and this is Jessica"Tiffany said and Nichkhun smiled "hello Im Yoona" "Hello Im Sooyoung" "Hello Im Yuri" and then the last person..the only person who is Covered in masked "Hello Im Kid.T leader of Snsd" she said then Baekhyun looked at her.."thats her.." he Thought "Everyone call Her Kid.T its her channel on Youtube" Chanyeol said "Oh?" baekhyun said "why is she wearing mask?"Baekhyun asked "I don't know maybe she doesn't want to show her face?"Chanyeol Replied, Then the Girls started performing All Night..Baekhyun is focused on Taeyeon.."man i bet she is beautiful" Baekhyun Thought..then he remembered what Chanyeol said and Search her channel on youtube.."i can only see her Eyes" Baekhyun accidentally said it out loud "the heck? Dont tell me Out Baekhyun is in love" Suho said then everyoje reacted.."Yes im in love" Baekhyun said

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