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Alright seriously not a day goes by when I'm amazed by how popular this story is and that's all thanks to you.

Some days I think "God f*cking dammit! today's going be another f*cking awful day." But then I go through the comments you've left on this story I suddenly think "Huh... maybe today's not going to be such a bad day after all." Then someone in my class annoys me and all I'm thinking is "Well my good mood's ruined thanks a lot bitch." The worst thing is She tries to blame the thing she did on the class more specifically Me, since I'm the oldest student in the school.

Ahh listen to me rambling on about my life, anyway there's still slots open for OC's and the Character Q&As are here to say so if you have something to say to the main characters just post it, but if you want to join in leave your forms here.

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