Child At Heart

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"Momma! I don't like 80's music!"

Quinn rises a single eyebrow at her infant daughter. She would be happy that her little girl even knows about that music genre if she didn't look like she was about to poop her pants.

"That's okay Mads, I'll put on The Wiggles if you want?"

Little Maddie smiles in satisfaction as the older blonde plants a sweet kiss on the younger blonde's pink tinted cheek. She picks her up and moves to the old radio that's situated on top of their fridge, changing the router that way so it would pick up some of Maddie's favorite music. The child immediately starts moving along to the song, practically slapping Quinn's face multiple times as she swings around her arms dangerously. Quinn grins and puts the girl down, patting her head before resuming preparing dinner.

"Come on, Momma! Join me!"

Maddie smirks at her mother, as the woman puts her knife down to turn her head around.

"Madeline Barbra Fabray-Berry. I dare you to say that again."

Maddie grabs her moms hands in her own and sweetly rests her blonde little head on Quinn's belly.

"Let's slow dance..."

Maddie's voice sounded so much like Rachel's in that moment, it took Quinn back to her Senior Prom Night.


A head with brunette hair appeared in her sight as Quinn rolled to her table, a fresh cup of punch clustered in her hand. The wheelchair got in the way sometimes, like when Quinn had to do something, you know... on her own.

"Why hello, miss Fabray. Are you having fun?"

The blonde put on a fake smile as Rachel grinned at her, looking beautiful as ever.

"It's okay I guess, gets a little lonely... but yeah, it's all okay."

Then suddenly Rachel puts out her hand, waiting for Quinn to take it in her own.

"Well, that's not going to last for long. Let's slow dance, my lady."

The wheelchair bound girl chuckled dryly at the comment, turning her head away so Rachel wouldn't see the sorrow in her eyes.

"That's kind of impossible, you know... chair-wise."

Rachel nodded, ducking her head shyly as she slowly squeezed Quinn's hand.

"We'll find a solution."

And with that, Rachel climbed onto Quinn's lap, wheeling them to the dance floor as a slow number was being played. The brunette rested her hand on Quinn's sides and put her head in Quinn's neck, making the girl feel more comfortable than she had ever felt before.

"We've missed out on so much, Quinn."


"Sure, little one."

Quinn rests her hands on her daughter's shoulders while softly swaying to the not at all appropriate song, but right now,
that doesn't matter, because her and Rachel's own girl is happy. The sound of grocery bags being thrown onto the table startles both girls, and they find Rachel looking at them with a wide smile plastered onto her face.

"My girls, let me join you both."

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