Throw It Out

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Quinn flinched as a heavy box suddenly appeared in her vision. Her girlfriend's pointed stare fell on her and she rose a single eyebrow at the brunette.

"You okay, Rach?"

Rachel scoffed, but the genuine smile on her face gave away her façade.

"Quinn, honey, I've given away all of my stuff because I know you like to keep your apartment the same. I'd just- I'd like to keep one set of my boxes."

Quinn blew out a breath and kissed her girlfriend's cheek. She opened up the box and came eye to eye with... actually, what were those things?!

"Um, care to explain what these things are?"

Rachel smiled and picked up one of the pink objects, it looked like it been painted very beautifully.... by a 2 year-old.

"They're my own mugs! I made them when I was only 10 years old at my niece's birthday. It was one of the best days of my life, and I'd like to keep my only memories from it in our shared home."

A laugh escaped the blonde's throat before she could stop it, resulting in a frowning Rachel. She shook her head and kissed the corner of the brunette's mouth.

"Of course, sweetie. I love you and your crazy mugs."

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