The date

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I was so excited and nervous at the same time. Cameron was coming to get me in 2 hours. I  picked out my outfit then I took a shower.

~My Outfit~

I put on some make up but not a lot. ( I'm not really a fan of make up). Then I didn't really do my hair since we would be in the movies.

"A quick brush will do" I whispered to myself

By the time I finished my hair I had 30 minutes until Cameron arrived. I went on my phone to see that Kayla posted a picture of her at the mall with a group of friends that I've never seen her with before. I just ignored it and unfollowed her since we weren't friends anymore. I heard Cameron pull up and walked downstairs. I open the door...

" Hey, Nicole you ready?" He asked

" Yep, what movie are we going to see?" I asked as we were walking to the car

" That's a surprise!" He said suspiciously

" Ok , fine" I said pouting

" Your so cute when you pout" he smirked

~ Skip the car ride~

We got out of the car and walked through the doors. There was no one in line so we got our tickets sooner than expected.

" What movie are you going to see?" The girl asked admiring Cameron

" 2 tickets for 50 shades darker" Cameron said smiling at me

' oh gosh we're on our first date and we're already watching an adult movie'

The girl looked about our age. When she realized Cameron wasn't alone she gave me a dirty look. Being me I held Cameron's hand and kissed his cheek. I then gave the girl a dirty look as we walked away with our tickets. It wasn't long before Cameron came back with popcorn and a large drink with 2 straws.

" Let's go" he says " The movie starts soon"

" Ok" I say

We walk into the theater. There wasn't a lot of people . Our seats we in the last row in the back. The movie started and Cameron tried to do the classic movie theater move. ( He fake yawned and wrapped his arms on my shoulder). I guess you can say he " succeeded ". Every time there was an inappropriate part in the movie Cameron tried to touch me. I wasn't comfortable with that so I would move his hand. Then it got out of hand.

" Can you stop?!" I said a little aggravated

" No, your mine for the night" he said aggressively

' That's it I'm out !'

I ran out of the movies and ordered an Uber. I got in the car and told the lady my address. She drove pretty fast which I was thankful for. Behind us there was a car following us.

' That car looks very familiar' I thought to myself

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