Perfect boys do exist

17 0 0

I woke up to a handsome 17 year old sleeping on my phone. I didn't want to wake him up. School started in about 2 hours so he has time. I ended our FaceTime call. I jumped out of bed and walked to my bathroom. I took a shower and got dressed.

~My outfit~

I went downstairs to eat my normal breakfast; bacon,toast, and orange juice

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I went downstairs to eat my normal breakfast; bacon,toast, and orange juice. As I was walking up to my room Cameron called me.

~Phone Call~
Me: Hey Smith

Cameron 😍: You forgot my name already?

Me: No I just wanted to see what you would do if I called you by your last name

Cameron😍:  Ok, anyway do you want a ride to school?

Me: Sure

Cameron 😍: Ok I'll be there in about 15 minutes

Me: K, bye

Cameron 😍:Bye

~End of phone call~

'First I get asked out by Cameron. Then we FaceTime all night. And now he's giving me a ride to school! What's next?!'

I ran upstairs to brush my teeth and my hair. When I got downstairs I saw Cameron pull in the driveway. I waited for him to come to the door since I didn't want to seem like a stalker. I heard a soft knock and counted to five, then opened the door. Cameron was wearing a nice outfit.

~Cameron's  Outfit~

" Are you ready to go?" He asked

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" Are you ready to go?" He asked

"Yep let's skedaddle !" I said enthusiastically " I'm just gonna shut up now" I said embarrassed

"It's ok I thought it was cute." He said shyly

We got into his car and started going to school. On the ride to school we sang, danced in our seats and shared some embarrassed moments in our past. Cameron explained that when we were little he tried to empress me but tripped on the spot. He tried to cover it up by doing push-ups but I didn't work out so well. We got out the car and held hands while we walked in to school. Cameron walked me to my locker.

" Are we still going to the movies tomorrow?" He asked hopefully

" Of course!" I said

" See you then?" He asked

" Definitely" I said staring into his eyes

Then we walked our separate ways.
' How did I get so lucky?' I wondered to myself

~Author's Note~
Can't wait to see how the date goes... I hope everything goes smoothly.

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