Help me

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I realized that the car was Cameron's car. I was so frightened that I asked my driver to speed up. She didn't even ask for a reason. She just did it. She pulled up to my house I thanked her and told her she'd be getting 5 stars. She drove off while I ran to my door. It was taking a while to get in and my luck was just getting better. Cameron's car pulled in. I opened the door, slammed it shut and locked the door. I ran around locking windows and any other door I could find. I was home alone which made it worse. There was no one to call. My mom has been on a business trip for the past 2 weeks and isn't getting back in 3 months. My little brother's are at camp for the next 2 weeks so I'm all alone.

" Open the door Nicole!" Cameron yelled

' I wasn't going to be stupid and yell back.' I put in 1 earbud and played some music.

~ One hour later~

Cameron drove off. I decided to take a shower and go to bed. When I got out of the shower I got a text from Cameron

Cameron 😨: I'll see you at school baby😏

I blocked him and went to bed dreading going to school. I spent my whole Sunday watching football and eating. It was 10:00 at night so I decided to go to sleep.

~ At school~

I managed to hide from Cameron all day. We don't have any classes together so that was easy and I just spent my lunch period in the bathroom. I only had one period left until I was free. I rushed to my English class and saw that my teacher was trying something new today. He wanted us to talk to new people in the class and get to know each other. Not that I wanted to admit it but I kind of needed it. He split is up into 4 groups I met 5 new students:

Sam Villard
-greenish brownish eyes
- caramel skin
-dark brown hair
- very smart, top student
-16 years old

Lucas Parker
- long blonde hair
- blue eyes
- football player
- 17 years old

Mason " Heartbreaker " King
- black hair
- light brown eyes
- milk chocolate skin
- football player

Kyle Grace
- 5"6'
-brown hair
-kaleidoscope eyes
- best swimmer in the swim team
- petty asf

Kendra Grace
-brown hair
- kaleidoscope
- b**** mode on

We all talked about ourselves a little but it turned out that we all would get along fine . We made plans to hang out at Six Flags on Friday after school.
For some reason Lucas and Mason reminded me of Cameron. There was a part of me that was a little suspicious of why but I ignored it. We exchanged numbers and made a group chat called 🔥SQUAD🔥. Then the bell rang. I ran out the doors to my car and sped away. I made it home and decided to order some food. When my food came I opened the door to reveal the person who delivered my food. To my surprise is was Lucas.

" Your total is $10.76." he said not noticing me

" Hey Lucas" I said

"Oh hey, you live here ?" He asked surprised

"Yep." I said handing him the money

" Maybe will hang out sometime?" He asked hopefully

"Sure" I said

" Well, enjoy your food" he says

" I will, thanks" I say closing the door.

' That was pretty wierd '

I walked to the couch and started eating my food and watch some Netflix. Then I got a text message from the group chat


Sam: Hey guys!!

Mason: What's good?

Me: Hey

Lucas: I just got off work anyone wanna hang out tonight?

Kyle: My sister and I will have to pass we got a life to live

Kendra: Kyle I can speak for myself you know

Sam: I'll come

Mason: Me too

Me: I'm down

Lucas: Then come on

~ End of text messages~

I decided not to change my clothes. I gabbed my phone, earbuds, my charger, and some money and headed out he door. I started my car and drove to Lucas' house

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