Today's X Enemy

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Once the boat had reached the island, it was announced that they would be leaving in the order in which they cleared Trick Tower by Khara. After each applicant disembarks there would be a two minute wait meaning that Rukei would be standing there for a while and lose some advantage over the others.

She stood next to Kurapika, but fixed her gaze ahead. His name was called, and though he walked away silently, he gave the girl a small smile before going on his way.


They were together.

Breathing in deeply, though as quietly as possible, she slipped the weapon back into her holster. She should have known, Rukei normally would have figured, but for some reason she couldn't seem to think correctly. Was it the different environment? Or the different target?

She settled on the former as she shrunk into the shade of the dense foliage as their steps drew nearer. She had disposed of comrades before. This action was not unfamiliar to her.

Then why are you hesitating?

Rukei needed to do something, anything, and settled with untying and retying her shoelaces as a replacement for the cube. Calm down and think. So Kurapika and Leorio were together. If she approached them correctly and was quick enough to act (stop hesitating), Rukei could knock them both out and take the blonde's tag.

When they advanced far enough, Rukei stood from her hiding place and tailed them at the best distance. Perhaps her paint gun was pathetic in comparison to a knife and a pair of bokken, but a knife she could disarm and her training had included slipping through all sorts of defenses. Yes, this was the most practical way. Stop saying otherwise.

The girl almost cringed when a little grass crunched under her foot. She wasn't used to tailing in the forest and the undergrowth was hard to navigate through; she lived her life in the city, quietly slipping through streets and corridors. If she walked on moist soil, would that make less noise?

This was part of her test to become a Hunter. She had to be flexible and adapt quickly to things life these.

And she had to beat Kurapika.

She watched the two ahead of her talk about something, Leorio pointing in one direction and Kurapika pointing in the opposite. Apparently, the blonde said something sarcastic with his action, and the former fumed, waving his arms about dramatically. Kurapika told him to be quiet, lest someone find them.

She had to get closer-

She slammed into the ground; she tried to make her landing as light as possible. First, she looked up to check if Kurapika and Leorio had heard or sensed something amiss. Seeing that neither had said anything and quibbled still, she assumed it safe to look behind her to see what her foot had caught on.

It was the root of some tree, and should have been rather obvious and easy to avoid.

Rukei, in her frustration, pulled at the grass underneath her fingers with a short sigh equivalent to a frustrated scream (for those whose faces aren't iron walls). She got to her feet, muttering to herself. "What's wrong with me?"

She had to wait till nightfall. When they stopped to rest, Rukei was sure that they would take shifts on watch. When Leorio would take shift, that was when Rukei would come out, appearing as their ally. She believed out of the two of them, the bespectacled would be less wary to her.

Sure enough, they stopped and decided to take shifts. Kurapika's knowledge amazed her! She had just barely overheard the conversation between the two of them as they searched for a place to a hide for the night.

Apparently, a very large tree called Hagatha's Oath grew out gnarled branches which made good footholds to use for climbing. From Hagatha's Oath, they could see danger from the surrounding area quickly, and there was something like a plateau that the Oath's limbs could reach. They could cross to a different ground and escape.

"It is named Hagatha's Oath because according to old folklore, Hagatha made an oath to her lover at the tree to be loyal to him forever," Kurapika detailed as he hefted himself onto the first branches, "However, Hagatha became involved with another man not so long after. Some say the tree grew like how Hagatha's stomach twisted when her lover found out, and others that the tree betrayed her twisted nature, just as she betrayed the one he loved."

"Either way, that's a grim story," Leorio remarked as he followed the blonde, shaking off an ant that had crawled off the bark and onto his hand.

Rukei gripped the gun tighter, mouthing to herself about what a terrible person she was for sympathizing with Hagatha.

This was to become a Hunter! So she could return to Shichi-oneesan, just like she promised. Yes, she promised Shichi. She was keeping her promise, so she was nothing like the other woman. Shichi: that was where her loyalty lay.

"You remind me of Shichi-oneesan."

A cold drop of sweat slid from her neck and onto the paint gun. She felt her face burn hot with shame when she heard them continue to speak.

"Say, you think those kids are going to be fine?"

"They are more than capable," the blonde stated, "Though, Rukei appeared to be a little tired when I last saw her on the boat."

Leorio didn't reply for a moment, sitting down on a branch he considered to be high enough, before looking towards the blonde. "Man, I can't believe she grew up in a crime syndicate as big as the Zakuya."

"Are you afraid of her?" Kurapika inquired.

"'Afraid'?" Leorio repeated with a snort as he folded his arms and almost fell back because of the loss of balance, earning a 'careful!' from the other, "Of Rukei? She's a twelve year old girl with terrible social skills and can't admit half the things she likes."

Rukei took offense to that! She was very heedful to make sure she was polite and she liked to think that she had good manners-

"Besides, Rukei called us her friends," the man smiled while dramatically stressing her description, "She could be the most dangerous, socially awkward, twelve year old girl on the planet, and I wouldn't have to be afraid of her."

An amused huff from Kurapika. "You have a lot of faith in her."

"Hah! You say that like you don't."

Everyone put faith in her. Shichi did, the Alliance did, even the Zakuya did. Their faith was rooted in her efficiency, potential for combat, and obedience, so this was no different.

It was no different, so move! She grit her teeth together, unable to step forward. If you don't move, you'll fail! Go! You have to!

You've done this before!

Rukei's grip trembled, and her will wavered. But... but did she want to be a Hunter to do the same things she did before?

Don't be ridiculous now! This is the best way.

You have to do this, Rukei.

Picking up her foot, Rukei turned on her heels and ran in the other direction. She was useless and impractical, weak and cowardly; Rukei was a twelve year old girl with terrible social skills and couldn't admit half of the things she liked.

And she was their friend that couldn't hurt them.

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